Where to Find Your Books

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All of your Logos books can be found in the Library. This article demonstrates various facets of your Library and teaches you how to use the tools associated with it.

Note: This feature is available to all users.





Open the Library

You can open your library in three different ways:

  • Click the Library icon  in the toolbar.

  • Right-click the Library icon and choose Open, Open in a new tab, or Open in a floating window.

  • Press Ctrl+L (Windows) or Cmd+L (macOS).


A menu appears showing a list of all your books. Click a book (or double-click it depending on which view you are in) to open it.

Library menu

Note: This screenshot shows the Library open as a tab.

View Your Books

The library is viewable in three modes. These can be selected from the Views dropdown in the Library toolbar.

Change view

  •  Cover view — Displays the covers of your books in a grid. In this view, open a book by clicking its title, which appears when you hover over the cover.

  •  Tile view — Displays the covers of your books in a vertical list, along with the author, book category, and tags. In this view, open a book by clicking either its cover or its title.

  •  Details view — Displays your books in a vertical list with multiple columns showing detailed information about each item. In this view, open a book by clicking its title.

Note: The icon in the toolbar will update to reflect your selected viewing style.

In Tile view and Cover view, you can change the ordering criteria from the dropdown to the left of the view selector.

Change order


In Tile view and Details view, you will see a progress ring beside each book. This gives a visual indicator of the total percentage of the book that you have opened and read.

Progress ring


In Details view, right-click at the top of a column to select which columns you want to display. You can also drag the columns from left-to-right so they appear in the order you wish.

Customize columns


You can click the header of some of the columns – such as TitlePublication Date, or Rating – to change the order in which books are presented. But for most columns – such as TypeSeriesSubject, or Author – if you click the column header it will group your books by that field. You can then open a group to see corresponding books.

Click column header


Click the information icon (or press Cmd+Shift+I on a Mac or Ctrl+Shift+I on Windows) to open a set of tabbed panes either providing information about a book or providing the ability to prioritize books. Click the icon on the left to access the information tab and select a book on the left. This displays a summary of the book, personal and community tags, local download status, a citation, copyright information, and more. You can also reset your reading progress from the information pane by clicking the progress ring and selecting from the available options.

Information sidebar


Filter Your Displayed Books

Click the Sidebar icon to open the Filter panel and explore the faceted browsing options available in the Library.

Click Sidebar icon

Note: The number displayed immediately beneath the Find box when it is blank reflects the total number of books in the Library. When filters have been applied, this number will change to show the number of matching books.

The filters that display in the column on the left allow you to limit the displayed books by Type of book, Factbook subject (which can provide more specific categories than the Subject filter), user-defined Collection, Reading Status, Date Added, and more.

Use the Library filter search to further narrow your matches. For example, typing spirit in the box matches with any book that has the word spirit in its metadata. With filter fields, however, you can restrict the matches by, for example, typing title:spirit to find books with spirit in the title, or author:Augustine to find books by people with the name Augustine. You can also combine these terms to further refine your search.

Search within your Library


See below for more details on finding books in your Library.


Access Cloud-based Books

All the books that are included in your Logos library are visible even if they haven't been downloaded to the current device.

Cloud-based books are indicated, in Tile view, by the presence of the Cloud icon @Cloud icon to the right of the book. They are also indicated in the information pane by a Download button.

Access cloud books


Cloud-based books are included in search results and can be previewed in your local installation or accessed using the Web App with an internet connection. If you want these books to be available without an internet connection, click the Cloud icon @Cloud icon or the Download button to add it to your local installation.

Learn more about cloud-based books.


Add Books to Your Library

The library also provides a quick and easy way to find interesting Logos books that you might want to purchase or add to your Print Library (for more information, see the article here). To do this, click Add to Library at the top right of the panel. Just like with the books in your personal library, you can search, sort, and filter available books.

Add to Library tab


To the right of each book, you'll find one or two icons showing the options that are available to you.

Book options


These icons indicate, and enable, the following:

  • @Add to print library - this enables you to add the book to your Print Library.
  • @Unlocked - this indicates that you already own the book.
  • @Store - this indicates that you don't own the book and allows you to preview or buy it.
  • @Remove from print library - this enables you to remove the book from your Print Library.

If you hover over a book, the icons will expand to show the options available. Click one to select the option of your choice.

Hover over book to see more options


If you select the Preview/Buy option, a preview will open in a new panel. 

From here, you can preview the content or you can select one of the options at the top right to either purchase the book (the Add to Cart option) or open the product description page for the book (the Learn more option).

Preview book


You have several options for how to search for books in your library including by: keyword, title, author, and date added.


Find a book by keyword

  1. Enter your search term(s) in the Library search bar. Logos will filter your library to display books containing your entry. In Details view, the Library shows a Rank column that orders your books by how closely they relate to your search term(s).

    Rank search results

  2. Click a book title to open it in a new panel.

Note: The book will open to the last-accessed location.

Find books by title

Use standard Logos search syntax to search for books by title. Type title:[search term] (with no space after the colon).
For example: title:John

Note: Simply searching for John displays books that contain John in its associated metadata (title, author, description, etc). Adding title: before the search term limits your search to books with John in the title.

Find books by title


Find a book by author

  1. Click the dropdown for the books display mode and select Details view.
  2. Sort your library by author by clicking the column heading labeled Author. You are able to view an alphabetical list of authors in your library. Scroll until you find the author you are looking for.

    Sort library by author

You can also:

  1. Click the Sidebar icon  to reveal faceted browsing options.
  2. Scroll down to the Author section. This section filters your library by author and lists books based on the number of books by each author.
    Filter by author
  3. Click an Author to filter your library to just show books by that author

    Click an author


One more option to find books by author is to use search syntax:

  1. Type author:[first and/or last name] 
  2. Logos displays all books written/edited by this person.

    Note: Simply typing an author’s name in the library search bar may yield results where the person is mentioned in the metadata associated with the book but is not the author.

    Search for an author


Tip: Any of the headings displayed in the Filter column can be entered directly into the library search bar. To use a filter field, type [filter field]:[search term].

For example, entering subject:leadership shows all your books focusing on leadership.

Search for a subject


Find recently added or updated books 

  1. Scroll to the bottom of your library window.
  2. Expand the Added or Last Updated filter depending on which one you need.

    Note: The Added filter will not display if your Logos instance has not logged any new books added in the past 30 days.

  3. Both filters offer options for Today, the Last 7 Days, the Last 14 Days, and the Last 30 Days.
    Filter by date added
  4. Click one to filter your Library to just show books added or updated in that timeframe.

    Filter by date added


Note: If you have recently purchased a book and it doesn’t appear under one of these filters click here for some guidance on things to check. If that still doesn't resolve the issue please contact Logos support at at 888-634-2038 (US/Canada) or +1 360-450-3542 (International).


Prioritize Books

Prioritizing books allows you to instruct Logos to display information from your prioritized books ahead of others or when you click a Bible passage link.

  1. Right-click the book(s) you wish to prioritize and select Prioritize This Book. This opens the Prioritize Books tab. This places the book(s) at the bottom of the prioritized list.

    Note: If you have selected a volume from a series (such as a commentary series), you'll also see the option to prioritize the entire series.

    Prioritize a book

  2. Drag books - within the Prioritize Books pane - to reorder the priority list.

    Note: To un-prioritize a book, right-click it in the Prioritize panel and select Remove From This List.

    Remove from prioritization list

Learn more about Prioritizing Books.


Start a Reading Plan

With your Library open, find a downloaded book you want to read. Right-click the title and select Start reading plan. Logos opens a new Reading Plan document based on your selected book.

Note: This option is specifically designed to divide your readings by chapter. Once you start a reading plan using this option, it cannot be edited. Learn more about starting and restarting reading plans.

You can also start a reading plan from a book's Information pane. 

Start a reading plan


Define Collections

Collections are individually created, customizable groups of books, which can be searched specifically in several places within Logos.

To create a custom collection of books,

  1. Select the book(s) you want to add.

    Tip: Select multiple books by holding Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd (Mac) while clicking the desired book(s).

  2. Open the Information pane, and select Save as Collection.

    Save as collection

  3. This opens the Collections tool with a new collection containing the books you selected. And the tool provides you with additional options related to your new collection.
  4. Give your collection a name. (for example: Carta Books)

    Name your collection


To add books to a collection,

  1. Enter your desired search term.
    For example: atlas
  2. Drag and drop books from the lower panel to the panel labeled +Plus these books.

    Add books to a collection


To learn more about managing collections, see the article on the Collections tool or go to the Logos Help section on Collections.

Note: You can open the Collections tool directly by clicking here.

View and Edit Book Information

You can view and modify information for a single book, or for a group of books, by using the Info window.

  • Select a book(s), open the information pane by clicking its icon and select the Information tab.
  • You’ll notice that the window provides different options and information depending on whether you have one or multiple books selected.

    View book info



To rate a book, click the rating stars. Your rating will overwrite the default rating for the book and can be used for grouping your books.

Rate a book



You can create custom tags for any books. Books you’ve tagged will appear when you enter the same tag in the Library search window.

To tag a book:

  1. Select a book(s), open the information pane by clicking its icon and select the Information tab
  2. Scroll to the tags section and type a tag into the text box, then press Enter. To remove a tag, click the X adjacent to the tag.

    Tag a book



Logos makes it easy for you to share your thoughts about your books with others. In the Recommend section, you have the option of posting thoughts or recommendations about a book directly to Faithlife.com, Facebook, Twitter, or sending a link via email. Simply click the desired icon to start the action.

Share a book


Citation/Save as Bibliography

Logos generates a citation for every book in your library.  To cite a single book:

  1. Select your desired book.
  2. Open the information pane by clicking its icon and select the Information tab
  3. Scroll to the citation section. Click Copy to add the citation to your clipboard. You may then paste the citation as you would any other text.

    Copy a citation


To generate a bibliography:

  1. Select multiple books in your library.
  2. Open the information pane by clicking its icon and select the Information tab
  3. Click Save as Bibliography.
    Save as bibliography
  4. A new bibliography window appears with entries for your selected books.
    New bibliography

Note: Learn more about generating a Bibliography.

Manage Books on Mobile Devices

You can use the Library to set which books download to your mobile device(s) so they can be accessed while the device is offline.

Note: The Logos Bible mobile app must be installed on your mobile device, and must be linked to your user account.

  1. Open the information pane by clicking its icon and select the Information tab
  2. Scroll to the Devices section.
    • Checking the box(es) sets your selected books to download to specific Logos apps on your mobile device.
    • Unchecking the box removes that book from that app on your device (it will still be available when you have an internet connection).
      Manage books on mobile devices
      Learn more about downloading books to mobile devices.



Open the Library

You can open your library in two different ways:

  • Click the Library icon  in the toolbar.

  • Right-click the Library icon and choose Open or Open in a new tab.


A menu appears showing a list of all your books. Click a book to open it.

Library Overview

Note: This screenshot shows the Library open as a tab.

View Your Books

The library displays the covers of your books in a vertical list, along with the author and book category. You can open a book by clicking either its cover or its title. You can change the ordering criteria from the dropdown in the top right corner.

Change Library Order


Click the information icon to open the information pane. Then, select a book to display a summary, copyright information, and series information or to start a reading plan. 

Information Pane


Filter Your Displayed Books

Click the Sidebar icon to open the Filter panel and explore the faceted browsing options available in the Library.

Filter Using The Navigation Menu


The filters that display in the column on the left allow you to limit the displayed books by Subject, Type of book, Author, Series, Publisher, and Language

Use the Library filter search to further narrow your matches. For example, typing parable in the box matches with any book that has the word parable in its metadata. With filter fields, however, you can restrict the matches by, for example, typing title:parable to find books with parable in the title, or author:Barry to find books by people with the name Barry. You can also combine these terms to further refine your search.

Use Library Search Filter


See below for more details on finding books in your Library.


Purchase Books

The library also provides a quick and easy way to find interesting Logos books that you might want to purchase. To do this, click Store at the top right of the panel. Just like with the books in your personal library, you can search, sort, and filter available books.

Click Store Tab To Find New Books


To the right of each book, you'll see the Preview option which opens a preview in a new panel. 

Click Preview


From here, you can preview the content or click Buy Now to purchase the book.

Click Buy Now To Purchase The Book


You have several options for how to search for books in your library including by: keyword, title, author, and date added.


Find a book by keyword

  1. Enter your search term(s) in the Library search bar. Logos will filter your library to display books containing your entry. 

    Search By Keyword

  2. Click a book title to open it in a new panel.

Note: The book will open to the last-accessed location.

Find books by title

Use standard Logos search syntax to search for books by title. Type title:[search term] (with no space after the colon).
For example: title:John

Note: Simply searching for John displays books that contain John in its associated metadata (title, author, description, etc). Adding title: before the search term limits your search to books with John in the title.

Find Books By Title


Find a book by author

You can sort your library by author by clicking the sort dropdown and selecting Authors. Scroll until you find the author you are looking for.

Sort Library By Author


You can also:

  1. Click the Sidebar icon  to reveal faceted browsing options.
  2. Scroll down to the Author section. This section filters your library by author and lists books based on the number of books by each author.
    Filter Your Library By Author
  3. Click an Author to filter your library to just show books by that author.

    Click An Author To Only See Books By Them


One more option to find books by author is to use search syntax:

  1. Type author:[first and/or last name] 
  2. Logos displays all books written/edited by this person.

    Note: Simply typing an author’s name in the library search bar may yield results where the person is mentioned in the metadata associated with the book but is not the author.

    Use Search Syntax To Search By Author


Tip: Any of the headings displayed in the Filter column can be entered directly into the library search bar. To use a filter field, type [filter field]:[search term].

For example, entering subject:leadership shows all your books focusing on leadership.

Use A Filter Field To Search


Start a Reading Plan

With your Library open, find a downloaded book you want to read. Right-click the title and select Start reading plan. Logos opens a new Reading Plan document based on your selected book.

Note: This option is specifically designed to divide your readings by chapter. Once you start a reading plan using this option, it cannot be edited. Learn more about starting and restarting reading plans.

You can also start a reading plan from a book's Information pane. 

Start A Reading Plan

To access your Library, tap the Library icon at the bottom of your screen.

Three tabs show across the top of the Library pane:

  • Reading: View your reading plans, group reading plans, and books you’ve set aside to Read Later. Learn more about the reading tab.
  • Books: The books tab holds all the books in your library. When you find a book you want to read, tap its title to open it. This article will explain this Books tab.
  • Store: Find books you don’t currently own.

Library overview


Searching the Library

At the top of your Library, you’ll find a search bar. Tap anywhere within the bar and begin typing your search terms. You can type a portion of the title, the author’s last name, or a search query to filter by multiple fields at once.

In the example below, if you want to find commentaries that were written by John Stott. To do this, we’ve entered the author: tag followed by the type: tag. This searches your Library for all of the books with an author whose name contains Stott and that have a type containing the word commentary.

Search your library

Open the Logos Help file to see the full list of terms you can use when searching your Library.


Using Filters

You can also filter the displayed books in your Library by tapping the Filter icon .

Filter your library Select filters

Filter options show books by the following categories:

  • Download status (Downloaded to your device or not)
  • Audio (audiobooks or books with audio)
  • Availability (digital or print library)
  • Subject (Bible, Sermons, etc.)
  • Type (Monograph, Bible Commentary, etc.)
  • User tags
  • Language
  • Author
  • Series
  • Publisher


Downloading and Removing Books

By default, your books live on the cloud. You can download local copies of any book for offline use from the Library. You can download or remove individual titles or batches of titles.


Individual Books

Books still on the cloud feature a download icon next to the book. Tap the download icon to store the title on your device. The book will download and a check icon will remind you the book now lives on your device.

Download a book

To remove a downloaded book, tap the more actions icon and select Remove download.

Remove a downloaded book

Multiple Books

You can download or remove downloads for multiple books at once.

  • Filter or search to reveal a group of books you want to download/remove. (See above for instructions on filtering your Library.)
  • Clear the checkbox in the top right of the screen.
    Select multiple books
  • Select individual books or tap Select All to choose all books in the available list.
  • Tap the more actions icon .

    Tap more actions icon

  • Choose Download (currently limited to 100 books at one time) or Remove downloads.

    Select Download or Remove Download

    Note: When removing downloads, Logos prompts you to confirm your decision by tapping Remove from a final dialog box.


Book Options

Tapping the more actions iconfor any book in the Library may display the following options:

tap more actions icon

  • Download or Remove download: The option displayed depends on whether you have downloaded the book or not.
  • Add to read later: Add the book to your reading list in your Reading tab.
  • Start a reading plan: Create a reading plan for the book. Learn more about reading plans.
  • Reset reading progress: Treats the book as if you haven’t started reading it yet (this option only appears for books you have previously opened).
  • Search this book: Opens new search within your selected book (either a Bible search for a Bible or an All/ Smart Search depending on whether you have AI credits and are online).
  • About this book: Displays additional information about the book including your personal rating, its download status, and a summary, and allows you to add the book to your Print Library. 

Note: The Logos mobile app doesn’t yet allow prioritizing or tagging books. That functionality is currently limited to the desktop and web apps.


Sorting Your Library

You can sort your Library using the link next to Sort: below the search bar.

Sort your library

Your options include:

  • Recent: Sorts your Library with the most recently opened books listed first.
  • Rating: Sorts your Library based on your ratings (Note: this does not take community ratings into account).
  • Title: Sorts your Library in ascending alphabetical order (A–Z).


Closing Your Library

Tapping any book's title exits the Library and opens that book. You can also close the Library and return to where you were previously by tapping Done on the upper left.


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