Documents Menu

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You can create Workflows, notebooks, searches, passage lists, sermons, and much more from the Documents Menu icon Documents menu. Access all your work in a single location and quickly recall what you’ve done with faceted searching. Share your research with others and access documents created by others that can be added to your local installation.

Note: This feature is available to all users.


Open the Documents menu by clicking Documents Menu iconDocuments on the toolbar. To select a document without opening it, click the document line but not the document name.

Select a document


Filter menu

Click the Sidebar icon to expand or collapse the filters. Filter the available documents by various categories such as Type, Group, or Author.

Note: Available filters vary depending on whether you have selected Yours, Groups, or Public.


Search box

Find particular documents by entering a word from the document name, such as sermon or greek.


Yours, Groups, and Public tabs

View available documents depending on who owns them.

View available documents

Yours - Documents you have created or added to your installation.

Groups - Documents shared between you and your groups.

Public - Documents created and shared by other Logos users which can be added to your own documents. Depending on the tab you select, the   Share or Add to your docs icons enable you to share or download documents.


New document

Click the New button to open the dropdown menu of available document types (Some document types may be greyed out because they are licensed in higher feature sets).

Click the New button


Open in a new panel

The Documents menu can be opened in its own panel by clicking .


Information pane

Click the Information icon to view relevant details about a selected document such as author and date created. The Information pane also allows you to add tags to your document as well as options to share/download the document.

Note: Clicking Preview opens a document preview at Some document types, such as Visual filters and Collections, display a blank page in Preview mode.


Creating a Document

Click Documents Menu iconDocuments and then New to reveal available document types. Select your desired document by clicking the name.

Select your desired document type

Note: Several of these document types can also be created from other areas within Logos. Click the Learn more links to discover additional ways to access these documents.



Create a list of resources suitable for publications, classes, sermons, etc. based on a variety of Logos milestones. Multiple formats are available.

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Create an interactive visual with the selected text by capturing, organizing, and sharing your thoughts on any passage of any resource in your library.

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Collect section(s) of a single resource or multiple resources under a single heading (For example, “C.S. Lewis quotes.”).

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Morph Query

Build complex morphological queries using a point-and-click interface. The Morph Query document provides several capabilities not available in the regular Morph Search.

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Passage List

Build a list of passages from scratch or from predetermined criteria.

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Prayer List

Use a template to record prayer requests and set the frequency for praying for the items on the list.

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Reading Plan

Create a plan to read a resource in your library. Available options include the amount of text to read, the frequency of reading, a target date for completion, and whether you want to do this by yourself or with one of your groups.

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Sentence Diagram

Create diagrams of biblical passages.

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Write your sermon and quickly create slides, handouts, and questions.

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Syntax Search

Search the grammatical structure of the Hebrew Bible, Greek New Testament, or Septuagint using search templates or create your own search from scratch.

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Visual Filter

Create a filter using search terms and/or morphologies. When applied to an open resources Logos highlights all matching search results with your select style.

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Word Find Puzzle

Create a puzzle based on a selected passage of Scripture. You can either solve the puzzle in Logos or export/print a copy by clicking the more actions icon .

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Word List

Save, import, and organize lists of words from references, resources, search results, and passage lists.

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Sharing a Document

To share a document you created: 


1. Select your document.

Click Documents Menu icon Documents and select the document you wish to share by clicking the document line. Once you select a document,   Share changes from inactive to active. 

Share a document

Note: Clicking the document name opens the document in a new panel.


2. Share your document.

Click   Share. Logos opens a dialog box of sharing options.

To make the document public, click the radio slider to change the answer from No to Yes. This generates a link that can be copied and shared or embedded in another application. Once you make a document public, any Logos user is able to find, view, and access your document through the Public tab.

Make a document public

To share the document with a group, click the Group tab. Expand the menu and select the group you wish to share your document with. If you want other group members to be able to edit this document, check Collaborate.


3. Click Done.

Logos makes your document available to others.


Unsharing a Document

To unshare a document with a Group:


1. Select the document you want to unshare.

Click Documents Menu iconDocuments and select the Yours tab. Select the document you wish to unshare by clicking the document line and click   Share.


2. Change Group access.

Click Change sharing. Uncheck the group you wish to un-share the document with.

Click change sharing


3. Click Done.

 The document is no longer available to group members.


To unshare a Public document:


1. Select the document you want to unshare.

Click Documents Menu iconDocuments and select the Yours tab. Select the document you wish to unshare by clicking the document line and click   Share.


2. Change Public access.

Under the Public tab, click the radio slider from Yes to No.


3. Click Done. 

The document is no longer available to other users.

Note: If another user creates a duplicate of your document, the duplicate is now owned by that user and is not deleted from their installation when you unshare your document.


Adding a Shared Document

You can access documents shared by other users and add them to your local installation. (Documents created using features and/or resources not included in your Logos collection are visible but not accessible to you.)

Click Documents Menu iconDocuments and select the Public or Groups tab.

There are four ways to find a document:

  • Browse available documents by scrolling down the list.
  • Type a word from the document name in the Search box.
  • Filter the available documents by clicking the Menu icon and clicking a tag to view tagged documents.
  • Click the column heading to sort documents in ascending/descending order, by date, or by popularity.

Once you select a document, click Add to your docs. Logos adds the document to your installation.

Add a document to your docs

Note: To access a document from a group, select the Groups tab and follow the same steps as for Public documents.


Restoring a Deleted Document

Click Trash located at the bottom of the Filter pane. 

Click Trash


Logos directs you to which displays all of your Logos documents that have been synced with Faithlife's servers. Toggle the document filter to Deleted (the default option is Available).

Toggle document filter to Deleted

Hover over a document and click Undelete to restore the document to your local installation.


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