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Running a Morph Search
To begin a Morph search:
Click the Search icon
in the toolbar.
Ensure that the Morph search type is selected.
Choose the morphologically-tagged resource you wish to search by clicking the Resource Selector drop-down menu. You can search a morphologically-tagged original language resource or a reverse-interlinear enabled translation. You can also limit your search to specific fields or passages.
- Formulate your query. Logos provides several tools to help you create an effective query:
Search Helps (in the main search pane) provide basic guidance about how to construct your search.
Search Templates allow you to build a more complex search without having to use search syntax. Instead, select the kind of search you want to make, then enter your search terms in the dialog box that appears. Search Templates appear in the left navigation menu, which can be toggled on/off using the navigation menu icon
Search Suggestions: As you type, Logos will populate a list of suggestions to help you refine your search. For best results, select one of these. Otherwise, finish typing your search query and press Enter.
- You can search for a particular morphological form of one or more words by typing the @ symbol immediately after the word. Logos will display a drop-down menu allowing you to select what grammatical form of the word you would like to search for. You can select as few or as many morphological categories as you want. Press Enter to execute the search.
Search Results
Logos displays your search results in the search panel. You can view your search results in three different ways.
Passages View
This view displays all of the passages (verse or chapter) containing your search results. Clicking a search result (highlighted phrase) opens it in a new window in your clicked Bible.
To view two or more versions side-by-side, click the small arrow to the right of the Multiple Books Display button and enter the details of a version you want to add. Then select it from the options displayed by clicking the version name.
Add in any additional versions you would like to use. Then click the Multiple Books Display button to enable this.
You can save different combinations of resources in the menu and then go back to them with a single click.
Aligned View
This view displays the verses containing your results and aligns them by your search terms.
Analysis View
This view displays detailed grammatical and semantic information from the original language version of your search results.
Refining Your Search
Search Fields
You can limit your search to one or more fields. Click All Morph Text, to open the search field drop-down menu. Click the arrow beside Search Fields to expand the list of search field options. You can select one or more search fields.
Search Range
You can choose whether you want search results to be constrained to verse or chapter boundaries.
Bible Sections
You can limit your search to specific sections of the Bible, or to a Passage List, by clicking All Passages to open the reference range drop-down menu and typing a reference or making a selection.
Using Search Operators
You can perform more complex morphological searches by using search operators. For example, use AND to find forms of two words that occur together.
To begin a Morph search:
Click the Search icon
in the command box.
Ensure that the Morph search type is selected.
Choose the morphologically-tagged resource you wish to search by clicking the Resource Selector drop-down menu. You can search a morphologically-tagged original language resource or a reverse-interlinear enabled translation. You can also limit your search to specific fields or passages.
- Formulate your query. Logos provides several tools to help you create an effective query:
Search Helps (in the main search pane) provide basic guidance about how to construct your search.
Search Templates allow you to build a more complex search without having to use search syntax. Instead, select the kind of search you want to make, then entering your search terms in the dialog box that appears. Search Templates appear in the left navigation menu, which can be toggled on/off using the navigation menu icon
- Search Suggestions: As you type, Logos will populate a list of suggestions to help you refine your search. For best results, select one of these. Otherwise, finish typing your search query and press Enter.
- Search for a particular morphological form of one or more words by typing the @ symbol immediately after the word. Logos will display a drop-down menu allowing you to select what grammatical form of the word you would like to search for. You can select as few or as many morphological categories as you want. Press Enter or click the arrow
at the bottom right of the dialog box to execute the search.
- Logos displays your search results in the search panel. You can view your search results in three different ways.
View Search Results
Verses displays all of the verses containing your search results. Clicking a search result (highlighted phrase) opens it in a new window in your clicked Bible.
Aligned displays the verses containing your results and aligns them by your search terms.
Analysis displays detailed grammatical and semantic information from the original language version of your search results.
Refining Your Search
Bible Sections
You can limit your search to specific sections of the Bible, or to a Passage List, by clicking All Passages to open the reference range drop-down menu and typing a reference or making a selection.
Search Fields
You can also limit your search to one or more fields. Click All Morph Text, to open the search field drop-down menu. Click the arrow beside Search Fields to expand the list of search field options. You can select one or more search fields.
Using Search Operators
You can perform more complex morphological searches by using search operators. For example, use AND to find forms of two words that occur together.
Additional Resources
- Logos Help: Morph Search
- Logos Documentation: Glossary of Morpho-Syntactic Database Terminology
- Logos Search Faithlife group