You can create and share lists of prayers using the Prayer List tool. Each Prayer List is made up of entries for individual prayers that you can track and schedule.
Note: You can use the web app to view prayer lists and mark prayers as done. But you need to use either the desktop or mobile apps to create prayer lists or schedule prayers.
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Create a Prayer List
- You can create a Prayer List by clicking the Documents icon
and selecting New > Prayer List. Prayer Lists you’ve already created are listed in the main pane of the Documents menu.
- Logos will open a new Prayer List in a new tab or panel. Give your Prayer List a descriptive title by clicking in the title field and typing a name.
- You can create a new prayer entry by clicking Add prayer. Each prayer has:
- A title text field. Give your prayer a title by clicking in the text box and entering a name.
- A notes text field below the title on the left. Write key information about your prayer here.
- An answer field to the right of the notes field. Record answers to prayer here.
- Tags. Click Add tag to create tags for your prayers. This allows you to easily search your prayers.
Schedule Prayers
You can set Logos to remind you of specific prayers at different intervals. To do so:
- Select a prayer.
- Ensure that the checkbox beside Pray for this item is checked.
- Click the Frequency dropdown to select how frequently you want to pray for this prayer.
- Click the Interval dropdown to select whether you want to pray at this frequency per day, week, month, or year. You can also select start and end dates for this prayer.
Organize Prayers
Logos sorts your prayers into three categories: Scheduled (appears at the top), Unscheduled (appears below scheduled prayers), and Answered (appears below unscheduled prayers).
You can tag your prayers using Add tag. You can easily search your Prayer List by clicking the Prayer List panel menu iconand selecting Find (In This Panel). Enter the word or words you want to find in the search box that appears, and press Enter. Logos will display all search results in your Prayer List that matches your search term(s).
Find a Prayer List
Logos displays your prayer list as a card on your Dashboard. You can also access your prayer list by clicking the Documents icon in the toolbar and searching for and selecting your Prayer List in the main pane.
Share a Prayer List
You can share your prayer list publicly or with a Faithlife Group of which you are a member. To do so, click Share, and choose your preferred sharing method in the dialog box that opens.
Print or Export a Prayer List
To print or export your prayer list:
- Click the panel icon
and select Print/Export. A new window will appear with printing and exporting options.
- From here, you can Print your prayer list, Copy its contents to the clipboard for pasting elsewhere, save your document in one of the available formats, send your document to a word processor (like Microsoft Word), or automatically paste it into an open word processing document.
Additional Resources
- Logos Help: Prayer List Document
- Logos Wiki: Prayer List
- Logos Prayer List Faithlife group