How do I use lexicons in Logos?

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Lexicons are valuable resources to determine possible meanings of original language words and how these words are used. With Logos, you can easily navigate lexicons, find entries for words with a few clicks, and link lexicons to Bibles and other resources or guides.


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Different types of lexicons

Understanding entries in lexicons

Navigating in lexicons

Looking up lexicons from the context menu

Linking lexicons to a Bible to provide single-click access

Changing display options

Accessing all relevant lexicons from the Bible Word Study Guide


Different types of lexicons

It is important to realize that there are two main types of lexicons: those that focus on the likely meaning of words and those that explore the theological concepts associated with those words. Both are useful and it can be helpful to consult lexicons of both types.

The Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon is a lexicon that focuses on meanings of words with an example shown below:

Lexicon Example - ESL


After some introductory information (which we will look at in more detail below), it simply lists how this particular word is translated (in this case in the AV). Other lexicons of this type will list the references as well. So the main focus of these types of lexicons is looking at the different meanings associated with the original language term and, sometimes, where they occur.

The Lexham Theological Wordbook is an example of a theological lexicon with its entry for the same word shown below:

Lexicon Example - LTW


Here the focus is more on how the word is used and what concepts it portrays.


Understanding entries in lexicons

As shown above, lexicons contain some introductory information for each article and it is helpful to understand what it means. It is important to recognise that each lexicon provides different information at this point.

Taking the Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon as an example it has:

3140 μαρτυρέω [martureo /mar·too·reh·o/] v. From 3144; TDNT 4:474; TDNTA 564; GK 3455

The number at the beginning, in this case 3140, is the Strong’s Greek Number. This is a system that assigns a number to each original language term, making it easy to look up all such occurrences. Hovering your cursor over the number will show a link to the associated article in your highest prioritized lexicon that is indexed by Strong’s Numbers. (We’ll look at how to prioritize lexicons below). You can click the link to open that lexicon to the linked article.

Lexicon Link


Following the number is the lemma – the base form of the original language word.

This is followed by the English transliteration – a way of representing the word using English letters and a guide to pronunciation.

The individual letters following this show information about the part of speech. In this case, the v, indicates a verb. You can hover your cursor over these to see what they represent.

Lexicon Abbreviations


The remaining entries, before starting to look at occurrences of the word, are links to some other lexicons that have articles on the same word.


There are a number of ways to navigate in a lexicon.


Using the table of contents

The Table of Contents, accessed by selecting the Home tab and clicking the Contents button, provides an easy way to lookup an entry. Different lexicons organize information in a range of ways.

The Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon uses Strong’s Numbers:

Lexicon Table Of Contents


The Lexham Theological Wordbook organizes entries by key concepts or meanings then, for each one, provides a brief theological overview and information about the underlying Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek words:

LTW Table Of Contents


The Theological Dictionary of the New Testament organizes words alphabetically in Greek:

TDNT Table Of Contents


Each of these provides a convenient way to navigate to a particular entry using a “point and click” approach.


Using the find box

Another way of navigating in a lexicon is using the find box at the top of the panel. Options will vary depending on how the lexicon has been tagged.

Click the box to see the navigation options:

Esl Navigation Options


You can navigate to different places in the lexicon using any of these representations. So, if you wanted to look up the word ἄνθρωπος and knew that it was associated with the Strong’s Greek Number 444, you could enter either of these and select the appropriate option from the dropdown menu to navigate to that point.

Esl Lookup Transliteration Esl Lookup Number


Alternatively, you can use the keyboard selector on the right of the navigation box to select an original language keyboard and type it in directly, then select the option from the dropdown menu.

Esl Change Lookup Language Esl Use Greek Lookup


Looking up lexicons from the context menu

One of the easiest ways to find words in lexicons, particularly if you are working through a text, is to use the context menu (invoked by right-clicking a word). This provides a range of options including that of looking up entries from five of your lexicons. To get this lookup, you need to select the lemma on the left of the context menu as shown below:

Lexicon Context Menu Lookup


Click any of the linked lexicons to open it to the relevant article.

The order they appear is based on how you have prioritized them in your Library. (If you haven’t done any prioritization, a default scheme applies).

To prioritize lexicons, open your Library and filter your resources to just show lexicons. Then open the sidebar on the right and select the Prioritize Books option:

Select Prioritization


You can now drag a lexicon to its prioritization position:

Prioritize Lexicon


It is a good idea to prioritize both Hebrew and Greek lexicon so that each set includes:

  • A concise lexicon to provide a quick idea of the word and its meanings
  • One that focuses on the meaning of the word in slightly more detail
  • One that looks at how the word is used theologically

This enables you to access any type of lexicon easily from the context menu.

Click here for more information about prioritizing resources.


Linking lexicons to a Bible to provide single-click access

Another way to look up entries in a lexicon is by linking it to the Bible (or other resource) you are reading. Then, clicking the word will update the lexicon to the appropriate entry.

To link resources together add them to the same link set:

Lexicon Specify Linkset


For more information on setting up link sets, click here.


Changing display options

Note: This video was made using an older version of the software.

Outline formatting

Note: Available in Logos Pro subscriptions and higher, as well as legacy packages Silver and above.

Some lexicons are, by default, quite dense in the way they present information and this can make them difficult to read.

The Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 3rd ed. (often referred to as BDAG) is a good example of this with a typical entry appearing as shown below:

BDAG - Dense


For some lexicons, the Outline Formatting visual filter can make them much easier to read:

BDAG - Outline Formatting


Current references

Sometimes in a long lexicon article, it can be difficult to find where the particular verse you are studying is mentioned. If you turn on Current references in the lexicon, Logos will highlight where that particular verse is referenced in the article making it easy to focus on that section.

Lexicon - Emphasize Current Reference


Accessing all relevant lexicons from the Bible Word Study Guide

You can use the Lemma Section of the Bible Word Study Guide to get easy access to all of your lexicon entries on any particular word. All of the lexicons are listed in order of prioritization.

You can hover over a lexicon name to see the start of the article and you can click the lexicon to open it to that article. This provides a very easy way of accessing a range of lexicons when studying a particular word.

Lexicon - BWS Lemma Section


Click here to learn how to use the Bible Word Study Guide.

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