Preaching Mode provides a custom view of your sermon optimized for when you’re preaching. You can also use it to control your sermon slides in Proclaim.
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1. Publish Your Sermon to Proclaim.
From the Sermon Builder in the Logos desktop app, click Publish at the top of your sermon.
From the menu that appears, select Send to Faithlife Proclaim. Then select your group and whether to add to an existing presentation or a new one before sending the sermon to Proclaim by clicking Send.
2. Make sure Proclaim is On Air.
When Proclaim has finished syncing your sermon slides and your presentation is ready, click On Air in the upper right of your Proclaim window.
Note: At present, the sermon integration between Logos and Proclaim is one way. Logos sends your sermon slides to Proclaim, but changes to your sermon slides in Proclaim will not be reflected in Logos.
3. Engage Preaching Mode.
Return to your sermon in Logos and click Preach.
Note: You can also run preaching mode from any web browser at or with the Logos mobile app on any phone or tablet.
In the display that opens, click the text settings icon in the upper right and set “Control Proclaim presentation” to Yes.
4. Click the slide thumbnails to advance.
Click the slides icon in the upper right to display your slides alongside the text of your sermon. As you preach, click or tap any slide to advance your presentation to the selected slide.