File Vault

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Logos provides each user with enhanced cloud storage in the Faithlife File Vault. This allows you to upload, view, and manage images and other files you want to link to your Notes or access in your Media library. The File Vault fully integrates across all Faithlife platforms giving you instant access to current and past versions of your files in the vault from your desktop, web app, or mobile device.

Note: Logos stores uploaded images, videos, and other files in the File Vault. To view your Logos documents, visit this article on Documents or navigate to

View Your Files

In Logos

  1. Open the Tools menu and select Media (or type media in the Tools search bar).

  2. Click Logos Media to expand the options and select User Media. Logos displays the images in your File Vault.

    Note: The File Vault stores a wide variety of file types (see below), but Logos only displays image files in the User Media section.

  3. Filter your images using the tags in the navigation panel.  

On the web

Navigate to If you are prompted for a username and password, enter the credentials you use for Logos. The vault associated with Logos is indicated by your Faithlife user name in the box under the Faithlife logo.

Filter your images using the tags in the navigation pane or by entering a tag or other string of metadata in the Find box, such as Jerusalem to find files with this tag. 

Note: Faithlife creates separate File Vaults for each Faithlife group you are a member of. To navigate between File Vaults, click the dropdown arrow to expand your available options.


Upload a File

You can upload a file in four different ways. Depending on the file size, the system may take some time to process. Faithlife indicates once it’s safe to exit the browser.

Upload Files Button

  1. Click the Upload files button. Logos opens a system dialog box.

  2. Select your file and click Open. The file is uploaded to your File Vault.


Drag and Drop

Drag and drop a file to the main Faithlife Files window. Your file uploads automatically.


Upload from URL

  1. Click Upload from URL.

  2. Add your image, document, or media file URL and click Upload.

    Note: To obtain a URL, right-click an image on a web page and select Copy image address. Paste the address into the command bar using Ctrl+V (Windows) or Cmd+V (Mac).


Upload from the Media Browser

  1. Click Tools and select Media or enter media into the Tools search bar.

  2. Select Upload Media. Select your file and click Open. The file is uploaded to your File Vault.


Manage Your Files

To manage your files, navigate to your File Vault at If you are prompted for a username and password, enter the credentials you use for Logos. The vault associated with Logos is indicated by your Faithlife username in the box under the Faithlife logo.

Select a file by clicking it. To select multiple files, press and hold Ctrl while individually selecting the files you want to manage or press and hold Shift (Cmd for Mac) and click the last file in a series you want to manage. Faithlife applies your changes to all the selected files.


Add Metadata

Add tags and other metadata to your files to assist you in organizing and searching. Click the image you want to manage. Enter your desired metadata in the fields. To add a field, click Add Metadata.

Note: Inserting data in the Copyright field restricts the file’s availability according to the parameters of the file and the application you use.


Add to Board

When you add a file to a board, you are able to quickly access a file or collection of files by clicking the corresponding link on the main File Vault page. Select the file(s) and click Add to board at the bottom of the page. Faithlife prompts you with a list of available boards. Select the board(s) where you want the file saved.

Note: To add a new board select +New next to Boards on the Navigation panel or Create new board in the Add to board dropdown menu.


Delete Files

To delete a file from your File Vault, select the file and select Delete [X] asset(s) at the bottom of the page.

Learn more about managing files in the File Vault.


Supported Files

The File Vault supports a variety of file types:

  • Image: all standard image formats, including PNG, JPEG, GIF, and SVG

  • PDF: if text is identified in the document, PDFs are text-searchable

  • Video: all standard video formats, including MOV, MP4, WMV, and AVI

  • PowerPoint: all standard PowerPoint formats, including PPT, PPTX, etc.

  • Audio: all standard audio formats, including MP3, WAV, AIFF, AAC, etc.

  • Word: all documents are text-searchable

  • Text: all documents are text-searchable

  • Other: Faithlife Files will support any uploaded files (e.g., ZIP, Otf, XLSX, Javascript, CSS text files, etc.)  


System Formats

With many assets, Faithlife automatically creates smaller resolution versions. Upload your best resolution asset and every size you may need is made available. You can even provide links to the smaller versions by clicking the link icon  connected to each version.

Clicking Update updates the original asset. Once the asset is updated, new smaller versions will be auto-generated.

Add New lets you manually add another format for your asset. For more help on adding new file formats, click here.

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