Mobile - Change Your View Settings

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You can customize your reading experience in the Logos mobile app from the View Settings. Controls allow customizing both global settings and resource-specific settings.

To open the View Settings, tap the panel menu icon while viewing any resource and choose View Settings.

Mobile Change View Settings

Note: View settings sync to all your other devices with Logos.


Global View Settings

The top section of the panel adjusts view settings for the general look of the app. These master settings affect how every resource looks.

Mobile View Settings

  • Font Size: Drag the slider to change the font size for resources.
  • Line Height: Drag the slider to change the line height for resources.
  • Line Width: Drag the slider to adjust the side margins for resources.
  • Brightness: Drag the slider to control the display brightness for the app.
  • Appearance Settings: Choose between system, white, sepia, or black (dark) mode.
  • Fonts: Set your desired font type for English, Greek, and Hebrew characters.
  • Red Letter Text: Show the words of Christ in red in your Bibles.
  • Scrolling View: Choose between scrolling view (swipe to keep reading) or page view (flip “pages” in your resources). If you deselect scrolling view, you can choose whether or not to include footnotes in page view and how many columns to display by default.
  • Swipe to Highlight: By default, swiping in any resource applies your most recent highlighting style. To remove this feature, toggle this setting off. You can still highlight any selection from the selection menu.
  • Smart Text Selection: Ask Logos to intelligently expand the text to nearly boundaries (e.g., an entire verse).
  • Keep Display On: Toggle on to prevent your device’s screen from turning off while Logos is open.

Note: Font size adjustments apply to resources, guides, clippings, and many other tools, but are not comprehensive. For instance, font size adjustments do not affect the font size of the library menu, notes, and prayer lists.


Resource-Specific View Settings

The bottom section of the panel adjusts view settings for your opened resource.

  • Reformat text: By default, Logos shows the publisher’s section titles and formatting. You can, however, modify what is displayed. When toggled on, you can choose to show or hide a variety of options—like chapter/verse numbers, footnotes, and more.
  • Reading Plans: If you have an active reading plan on your current resource, you can choose to show your reading plan markers inline in the resource.
    This option will only appear if you have an active reading plan in this resource.
  • Show Notes/Highlights: Show or hide all your personal notes or highlights by toggling this option on or off.

Note: On iOS you can also configure which lines are visible in interlinear resources.

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