How Do I...with Notes and Highlights?

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Take, organize, and review your study notes using the Notes tool within Logos. Looking for how to do a specific task? Check out the sections below. 

Tip: To find a specific task, use Cmd+F (macOS) or Ctrl+F (PC) to open your browser's search. Then, enter the task you'd like to find.

Note: This feature is available to all users.


Citations copied from a resource in your Logos digital library are automatically hyperlinked back to that resource. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Highlight the desired text.

  2. Right-click the highlighted area.

  3. Select Add a note.

The new note with hyperlinked citation will appear in the currently opened Notebook.


Anchor notes to references and resources

Notes can be anchored to numerous references and resources. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Select the note you wish to create an anchor for.

  2. Highlight the text in an open resource.

  3. Click + Add anchor in the note.

  4. With Selected text checked, click the blue Done button on the right-hand side.


Anchor notes to specific Scripture references

Notes may also be anchored to any number of specific references in Scripture, without having to highlight text in the Bible. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Select the note you wish to anchor a Scripture reference to.

  2. Click the blue hyperlink, + Add anchor.

  3. Click in the Reference box.

  4. Type the reference, select it from the dropdown, then click the blue button, Done.

  5. Your reference is now hyperlinked.


Toggle between full and split views of notes

The notes view panel can be changed between full and split views, in order to save space on the screen for further panels and reduce clutter. Here’s how:

  1. Move your pointer over the Sidebar icon Hamburger icon in the top left corner of the panel.

  2. Click the Sidebar icon Hamburger icon, and the Notebooks list disappears.

  3. Click again to make the Notebooks list appear again. 


Filter notes by Bible book 

You can sort your notes according to a book of the Bible. Here’s how to do it:

  1. With the sidebar expanded, click the Filters icon on the top left corner under the Search bar.

  2. Scroll down to the submenu titled, Bible Book.

  3. Click the desired book of the Bible.


Filter highlights by Bible book

Highlights can be sorted according to Bible book, just as with notes. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Click the Filters icon in the sidebar.

  2. Click Highlights under the Types submenu.

  3. Click the hyperlinked book of the Bible, and your notes will filter accordingly.


Filter notes by tags

Notes can be filtered by tags. Although notes can have multiple tags, they can only be in one Notebook (see below for how to change a note’s assigned Notebook). Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to the Filters sidebar.

  2. Scroll down to the Tags submenu.

  3. Select the desired tag.

  4. Corresponding notes will be displayed with that tag. 


Annotate a highlight

Highlights can be easily annotated and included within your list of Notes. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Right-click the highlighted portion of text.

  2. In the pop-up window that appears, click Open notes and highlights.

  3. The annotated highlight will appear in your Notes list. 


See my notes and highlights in other Bible versions

You can create/view corresponding highlights in different versions of the Bible. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Ensure you have at least two versions of the Bible open.

  2. Find a desired Note and/or Highlight.

  3. In the non-annotated Bible, click the Visual filters icon, and a box opens.

  4. Scroll down to Notes and Highlights (Corresponding) and activate this visual filter by selecting the box to the left-hand side.

  5. If nothing appears, ensure that the same Notebook is selected in the submenu under Notes and Highlights (Corresponding). 


Filter notes by resource

You can sort your notes according to the resource they come from, for example, a specific book in your digital library. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Sidebar.

  2. Ensure Filters is open, rather than Notebooks.

  3. Scroll down to the Resources submenu.

  4. Select the desired resource.

  5. All notes generated from that resource will now appear.


Change the notebook to which a note is assigned

You can easily assign any note to a different Notebook. This is useful if you have created a new note without previously selecting the desired Notebook, as the new note will default to whichever Notebook is currently open. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open a note.

  2. Locate the Notebook icon at the top of that note, third over from the Note icon and Highlight icon.

  3. Click the dropdown menu.

  4. Scroll down to the desired Notebook and click it to reassign your note. 


Search within your notes

Searching within notes is a straightforward process. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Click in the Search bar near the top of the Notes layout.

  2. Type in the parameters for whatever you wish to find.

  3. Results will be displayed immediately in the Notes list. 


Export notes out of Logos 

Exporting your notes periodically is a good way to create backups of your hard work. However, at this time, you can only export notes one at a time. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Select the notes you wish to print or export.

  2. Open the Notes panel menu.

  3. Select Print/Export, or simply use your keyboard commands as listed on the right-hand side.

  4. In the pop-up window that appears, further options for printing and export will appear.


Sort by biblical reference

You can sort your notes according to reference anchors. In other words, notes anchored to a biblical reference can be filtered down to Bible book, a helpful feature when you have numerous notes. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Under Filters, scroll down to the Bible book submenu and select the desired book.

  2. Open the visual filter above the list of notes, and select Reference.

  3. Your notes in that Bible book will appear in order in the list.

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