Workflow Editor

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Note: This video was made using an older version of the software.

Workflows offer guided instructions for a range of tasks like sermon preparation, word studies, study methods, family worship, and more! Each Workflow offers unique prompts to help you think, reflect, and respond to whatever passage you are working on. When you’re finished, Logos records all your responses so you’ll always have access to your work.

While there are many premade Workflows in your Logos base package, you can create custom Workflows to fit your specific needs. This is a helpful option if you find yourself working on a similar project on a regular basis (ie. regular sermon preparation, small group discussion, etc.). The more comfortable you are with Workflows, the more you’ll be able to take advantage of the customization.

Note: Available in Logos Pro subscriptions and higher, as well as legacy packages Silver and above.

To create a custom Workflow:

  1. Click the Guides and Workflows icon Guides icon.

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  2. Click New Make a new Workflow.

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  3. Choose a kind of Workflow to create.
  4. Name the Workflow in the top left corner. This will allow you to easily find your Workflow in the future and be able to share it with the Logos community.

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    Note: As prominently addressed in the Workflow editor panel, once you have chosen a Workflow kind, you cannot change it. If you select the wrong kind, you will need to restart the process. The kind of Workflow you choose will impact which tools and resources you can add.

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  5. Click Add under the first major step to include detail about this step, add more Major/Minor steps, or add specific tasks to complete. The Add menu features a search box to help you find particular tasks to include.

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  6. Below the section to add new steps, you will find options to include user-generated content such as:
    • Document: This section allows you to create or open a specific document in the Workflow.
    • Expandable Text: This section is the same as the one above, but the content is displayed in the Workflow as a more link that will only display its content after the link has been clicked.
    • Question/Answer: This section offers a question and space below to answer it.
    • Share Text: This section allows users to enter text (such as observations or reflections) and share it with others using the links below.
    • Share Media: This section provides a link that opens the Media tool to a search on the entered person, place, passage, or event.
    • Text: This section allows free-form text entry. Its intent is to give an overview of what the step involves, but users can enter whatever text they wish.

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  7. Below the section for user-generated content, the Workflow editor displays specific tools and guide sections. Each of the available tasks will automatically display content on the entered person, place, passage, event, or topic.

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  8. Each step or task has its own panel menu icon Kebab
Vertical icon. Click this icon to display a variety of options like Move up, Move down, or Delete this action.

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  9. Click Done in the upper right of the Workflow editor panel.

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Note: If you need to delete a workflow you've created, right-click the workflow in the Guides/Workflows menu and select Delete.


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