With Parallel Book Sets, Logos organizes your books according to their type, such as Bibles, dictionaries, commentaries, etc. This allows you to quickly access books in your library with a few keystrokes and read your passage or entry in each one of them. It is like having a research assistant open all of your Bibles to the same passage or all of your dictionaries to the same word. Continue reading to learn how to navigate the Parallel Book Sets and how to create your own sets.
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Navigate Parallel Book Sets
1. View Parallel Books
Click the Parallel Book Sets icon to view a list of books that are the same type as your open book. If you don’t see the Parallel Book Sets icon
at the top of the panel, your library does not contain books that are parallel to your open book.
For example:
If you have a Bible open to Genesis 1:5, clicking the Parallel Book Sets icon displays all your Bible versions that contain Genesis 1:5. If you have a dictionary open to the entry for Pentecost, clicking the Parallel Book Sets icon
displays a list of all your dictionaries that contain an entry for Pentecost.
Note: The number of books displayed varies because not every book type contains an entry that matches the entry in your original open book.
2. Open a Parallel Book
Clicking a title in the drop-down list navigates directly to the same entry in the selected book.
You can also open the passage or entry in a parallel book by pressing the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard or in the book panel to cycle through the parallel books.
For example:
If you are reading an entry for Pentecost in a dictionary, you can read entries in other dictionaries by pressing the left or right arrow keys or you can click the Parallel Book Sets icon to see the complete list of books that contain an entry for Pentecost and navigate directly to your choice by clicking the title.
Note: Sections of some books, such as a commentary introduction, are not indexed for use with this feature. In these sections, the Parallel Book Sets icon is not available.
Create Parallel Book Sets
By default, the Parallel Book Sets contain all the books of that type. This means that when you have a Bible open, all your Bibles are part of the Parallel Book Sets. However, you can create a set that contains your most-used translations.
Note: While the default Parallel Book Sets are defined by type, you can also create a set that includes different types of books (e.g. Bibles and commentaries).
1. Open the Collections Tool.
Click Tools and enter collections in the search bar. Select Collections.
2. Define your collection.
Give your collection a distinct name (e.g. Replace Unnamed Collection with Top Bibles). In the Rule, enter type:[Book type] (no spaces). Drag and drop books to the pane labeled + Plus these books. After selecting the books you want to be included, delete the text from the Rule bar. You can also drag and drop titles from an open Library panel. Check the box labeled Show in parallel books.
3. Select your collection as a Parallel Book Set.
Open a book that is the same type as your collection. Click the Parallel Book Sets icon and select your created collection.
4. Navigate your custom Parallel Book Sets.
You can select the Parallel Book Set that you want to use by clicking on the name of the set, you will see a checkmark next to its name to confirm that it is the active set. With your collection selected as the Parallel Book Set, navigate between your chosen books using the left and right arrows.
For example: Use the arrow keys to read Genesis 1:5 in each of your Top Bibles.
Learn more about Collections in Logos.
Open the Collections tool in Logos
Edit Parallel Book Sets
To edit a Parallel Book Set:
- Click the Parallel Book Sets icon
- Right-click the Book Set that you want to edit and select Edit [collection name]. This opens the set in the Collections tool.
- Add or remove books from your set. Changes made to the collection are automatically saved, which updates the Parallel Book Set.
To remove a Parallel Book Set:
- Click the Parallel Book Sets icon
- Right-click the set you want to remove and select Remove collection from list.
Note: This removes the collection from the Parallel Book Sets but does not delete it. To delete the entire collection, open the Collections tool. Select Open and right-click the collection you want to delete and select Delete.