Bible Search

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Logos provides powerful search capabilities to allow you to quickly find words, phrases, and more within the Bibles in your Logos library.


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Running a Bible Search

Search Results

Refining Your Search

Using Search Operators

Graph Search Results


  1. Click the Search icon in the toolbar.

  2. Ensure that the Bible search type is selected. Other search types may be available depending on your base package.

    Bible Search - Selected

  3. Pick the translation(s) you want to search within. By default, Logos will search your preferred Bible.
    Bible Search - Pick Translation
  4. Form your search query.

    Note: Logos provides several tools to help you find exactly what you're looking for.

    • Search Helps (in the main search pane) provide basic guidance about how to construct your search.

      Bible Search - Selected

    • Search Templates allow you to build a more complex search without having to use search syntax. Instead, select the kind of search you want to run, then enter your search terms in the dialog box that appears. Search Templates appear in the left navigation menu, which can be toggled on/off using the navigation menu icon .

      Bible Search - Using Templates

    • Search Suggestions: As you type, Logos will populate a list of suggestions to help you refine your search. For best results, select one of these. Otherwise,  finish typing your search query and press Enter which will execute the search.

      Bible Search - Search Suggestions


Search Results

Once you have run the search, you can choose to display the results in different ways:


Passages View

This view displays the verses containing your search results.

Bible Search - Passage View


To view two or more versions side-by-side, click the Add Versions button on the right of the panel. You will see a numbers of sections representing different groupings of Bibles or, at the bottom, a list of all available Bibles in prioritized order.

Bible Search - Add Versions


Either choose a Bible from one of these groupings or enter the details of a version you want to add in the filter box. Then select it from the options displayed by clicking the version name.

Bible Search - Specify Additional Version


This updates the panel to show these additional parallel texts.

Bible Search - Showing Additional Version


You can save different combinations of resources in the menu and then go back to them with a single click.

To remove the additional versions, open the Add versions dropdown and click Remove all.

Bible Search - Remove Additional Versions


When you have multiple versions showing, you can click the small arrow to the right of a version name to see additional options for modifying the information shown in this panel.

Bible Search - Modify Additional Version Display


Aligned View

This view displays the verses containing your search results and aligns them by your search terms.

Bible Search - Aligned View


Grid View

This view displays a visual grid showing where your search results. This is particularly useful when you want to see where the search term appears in a range of Bibles such as your Top 5 Bibles.


Analysis view

This view displays your search results and provides detailed contextual and original-language information.


Fuzzy (requires internet connection)

This view draws from dozens of translations and Logos' extensive data tagging to give you the best match to your search query. It can be particularly helpful when searching for a phrase that you can't quite remember:


Refining Your Search

Search Fields

You can limit your search to one or more fields. Click All Bible Text, to open the search field drop-down menu. Click the arrow beside Search Fields to expand the list of search field options. You can select one or more search fields.


Search Range

You can choose whether you want search results to be constrained to verse or chapter boundaries. Note that this capability was introduced in Logos 10.


Bible Sections

You can limit your search to specific sections of the Bible, or to a Passage List, by clicking All Passages to open the reference range drop-down menu and typing a reference or making a selection.


Searching for Specific Morphologies

The examples above used English words but if you search for an original language lemma you can include morphology information as well.

If, for example, you wanted to search for the Greek term translated as Go in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) you could use lemma.g:πορεύομαι which would give the results shown.


In Matthew 28:19, the verb is a plural, aorist participle as shown in the Information Tool.


You can specify this morphology in the Search Panel


which produces a refined set of results.


Using Search Operators 

In addition to search limiting options discussed above, you can refine your search results using search operators. You can use search operators to create more advanced searches. For example, if you'd like to find a phrase containing two words, but you don't know the exact phrase, try typing word WITHIN 5 WORDS word. Your search results will display every occurrence where the two words you entered are mentioned within five words of each other.

Note: Bible searches for multiple terms are constrained by either verse or chapter boundaries depending on the option you selected. They will only return results in which all of the terms appear within either the same verse or chapter.

For more details on using Search Operators, please see this article.


Graph Search Results

After you run a search, you can view graphs displaying where your search results appear. To do so, click Charts , then select the type from the bottom of the results window.


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