Study a Passage with the Exegetical Guide

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An Exegetical Guide provides detailed information regarding the underlying Greek or Hebrew text in a biblical passage. It provides information regarding textual variants, discussion of grammatical details, visualization of clause structures, and details of each word in the text.

This article shows you how to access the Guide, choose the passage you want to study, and understand key information provided in the Guide.

Note: This feature is available in all subscription tiers.

Accessing the Exegetical Guide

Generate an Exegetical guide from the Guides menu.

  1. Click Guides > Exegetical Guide:

    Open Exegetical Guide

    Note: By default, the Exegetical Guide is pinned to the top of the Guides menu. You can also access it under the Guides section of the Guides menu.

  2. Type a passage in the reference box and press Enter.

    Enter EG Passage


Using the Exegetical Guide

Scroll through the sections available in the Exegetical Guide until you find relevant ones for your study. You can add additional guide sections by clicking Add at the top right of the Guide and selecting the sections you want to see. The sections and information available will depend on your subscription tier, legacy packages and purchased resources.

EG And Sections


Below is a brief description of commonly used sections. However, you can find a full description of how each section works by hovering over the section with your mouse and then hovering over the Question
icon on the far right side. Clicking the Question icon will open the Logos Help Center.

EG Section Help


Textual Variants

The Textual Variants section provides access to text-critical information on the verse or passage you are studying. This includes links to textual commentaries, apparatuses, and original language texts in your Library.

Click one of these links to open the resource to the relevant passage.

EG Textual Variants



The Grammars section lists articles from original language grammars that mention the passage you are studying. The Exegetical Guide groups these articles by subject area. To look at grammars relating to a particular subject, click it and select an article.

EG Grammars


Grammatical Construction

The Grammatical Constructions section shows interesting grammatical features in your passage. Hover over a construction to see what it means, and click the “search for …” link in any section to find other occurrences of this particular construction in the biblical text.

EG Grammatical Construction



The Visualizations section shows resources in your Library that depict the structure of the biblical text. 

EG Visualizations


Word by Word

The Word by Word section offers details (covering grammar, morphology, sense, and syntax) about each word in the passage. Click a word in a verse to go to the information about that word. Hover over an entry to get more details and click an entry to get more information, such as from a lexicon.

EG Word By Word


Important Words

The Important Words section pulls data from all Logos commentary resources (not just those in your library) to expose words with a high frequency of references. In other words, if commentaries typically discuss this word, it will appear in the Important Words section.

Words are ranked based on importance.

EG Important Words



The Commentaries Section provides a list of commentaries from your library that contain information on the passage you’re studying.

EG Ancient Literature


Ancient Literature

The Ancient Literature section shows related texts in the literature surrounding the Bible: Ancient Near-Eastern, Hellenistic, and other Jewish Source materials, among others.

EG Commentaries


Results are grouped by their relationship to the text of Scripture:

  • Citation – An explicit reference to Scripture with a citation formula (e.g. “It is written,” or “the Lord says,” or “the prophet says,” or something along those lines).
  • Quotation – A direct reference to Scripture, largely matching the wording of the canonical source but without a quotation formula.
  • Allusion – An indirect but intentional reference to Scripture that was likely intended to invoke memory of the Scripture.
  • Echo – A verbal parallel that evokes or recalls Scripture for the reader, but likely without authorial intention to reproduce exact words.
  • Historical – A specific historical referent shared with Scripture.
  • Topical – A general referent in common with Scripture, but not exactly the same word or phrase.
  • Lexical – A word or phrase that could be useful for lexical studies, but with no intertextual reference intended.


Additional Resources

Logos Help: Exegetical Guide

Logos Wiki: Exegetical Guide

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