Psalms Explorer Interactive

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Note: This video was made using an older version of the software.

Note: This feature is available in all subscription tiers.

A dynamic display transforms your research into an engaging experience—showing you the psalms from the highest level to the smallest detail. Get a flyover view of all 150 psalms. Filter them by genre, structure, author, or theme. Reveal the structure of the Hebrew poetry with a click.

Discover every psalm written by David, psalms about trust, psalms for weddings, and much more—with a single glance. Doing a research paper or Bible study on a specific topic? In seconds, filter the Psalms down to those written by Asaph, as a petition, and about wisdom. Compare the Psalms side-by-side with the Hebrew text, group similar Psalms together with the color-coded bubble chart, and hover over individual Psalms for a brief overview.

This is the perfect resource for Bible study groups. Pick a topic—like trust, wisdom, or thanksgiving—and explore relevant psalms. Browse the psalms in interesting ways as you visualize which authors wrote more laments, or what themes appear most in each genre. This interactive psalm browser takes the guesswork out of Bible study, so you can find the answers you need, fast.

Note:  This interactive requires the Lexham Hebrew Bible, and a Bible translation with reverse interlinear data.

Note: Available in packages Bronze and above.

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