Logos Subscriptions: How to Manage Your Subscription with the Admin Portal

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What is the Admin Portal?


The Admin Portal was created with your institution in mind. Now that you have a subscription to manage, you need visibility into how many seats are available and who has access. You also need the functionality that allows you to easily distribute and revoke access. The following steps will walk you through how to leverage the power of the Admin Portal for all your needs.


If you need help, don't hesitate to get in touch with the Higher Ed Customer Success team at higheredsuccess@logos.com


Steps to Manage Your Subscription

Quick Links

How to Add and Manage Users

How to Assign Subscriptions to Users


1) Assign Administrator Permissions


Before your subscription can be managed in the Admin Portal, administrator permissions must be granted to those who need this level of access. This step will normally be completed during onboarding as you work with your Account Executive and Customer Success Manager. Please reach out to these team members if admins need to be added or other changes need to be made.  


*Administrators will need a Logos account to manage licenses.  Any account can be used including a personal Logos account.  If don't want to use your personal Logos account for this purpose, you can create a new account associated with a work email at https://www.logos.com/register


2) Access Your Institution in the Admin Portal


To access the Admin Portal, go to https://adminportal.logos.com/


Those with administrator permissions will be directed to the overview page for your institution.  Take note that you will find a list of your main contacts here, and the tabs at the top will be used to manage your subscription.



*If you are the admin for more than one institution, you will see a list of those institutions.  Simply click to select the institution you want to manage licenses for.  


3) View the Details for Your Subscription


Your Logos subscription will be managed under the "Libraries" tab at the top of the Portal.  



Once you click "Libraries", you should see a library with "Subscription" or something similar in the title.



Click this library to see details about who has access to the subscription.



Total Slots: how many total "seats" you have for the subscription

Available Slots: how many "seats" are open and able to be distributed 

Used Slots: how many "seats" have already been distributed


*Keep in mind that a Logos subscription cannot be granted to students for permanent ownership.  As a result, your used slots/seats will always be Temporary or Reserved.  Temporary means students have claimed access to the subscription.  Reserved means you have granted access, but the student has yet to claim it.  


From here, you need to learn how to add students and manage who has access.


4) Add Users


Before you can assign seats, you will need to add users under the Users tab at the top. Once the Users view is open, you will add users by using the options under "Import users" in the top right.



The "Import users" button allows you to bulk import multiple users at one time using the provided template.  Also, you can add one user at a time by clicking the to the right of the button and choosing the "Create user" option from the menu.  


Option 1: Import Users in Bulk- Again, using the "Import users" button will enable you to bulk import a list of users using a .csv file.  Download and fill out the template as instructed. 



*Important: If you use Numbers to generate the .csv file, be aware that Numbers often adds a "table title" to the sheet.  This title will save and cause an error when you import the template.  Please remove or hide the table title when you save the .csv.  Also, if you receive an error when uploading, try copying the information (headers and rows) from the template into a new sheet and save as a .csv. 


Template Descriptions:

Column Name Expected Information Required?


Any role description No
Institution Student ID Student ID, Other # No
Given Name First Name Yes
Family Name Last Name Yes
Institution Email Address Institutional or Personal Email Yes


Completed Template Example:


*To avoid errors during import, make sure there are no duplicate users.  If you choose to use a Student ID number, you can simply add any numbering system to the column (1,2,3,4, etc.).  Keep in mind that each user must have a unique ID number.  Repeating numbers will result in an error.  


Make sure the completed template is saved as a .csv file.  Once you are ready to import the file, click "Choose File", and select the .csv file on your computer.


Take note that you also can add user tags/roles to all the users on the list you are importing.  The Admin Portal will automatically assign a date and time stamp, but you are welcome to add other tags that will assist in managing licenses later.  Here are a few examples for illustration:

  • Date Tag- will allow you to narrow users by the date you imported them (automatic)
  • Role Tag- will allow you to narrow users by their role at your institution
  • Degree Tag- will allow you to narrow users by degree program
  • Language tag- will allow you to narrow users by language 
  • Faculty tag- if you are managing faculty licenses, you may find it helpful to tag those users


Once you have added the .csv file and any useful tags, choose "Import" in the bottom right.



Option 2: Add a Single User-  You also have the option to add one user at a time by clicking the to the right of the button and choosing the "Create user" option from the menu.  



First Name, Last Name, and Email are required.  Institution (LIS) ID is the school id number, which can serve as a secondary option for identification.  This can also be a made-up number.  The intent is that if you have three students named "John Smith", the number will be one additional way to make sure you identify the correct student in your records.  


Once users been added, you will find a list at the bottom of the page. You can search for users in the top left of the list, and you can select users using the checkboxes on the left of the rows or by using the "Select by CSV" option.  You should keep a record of the .csv files you use to import users because these can be repurposed to select users in later steps.  


Export User Data- There may be times when you need to export user data from the Admin Portal.  This option can also be found under the to the right of the import users button.  Choose "Export user data", and you will be provided with a CSV file listing the names, emails, user ids, and license status for all users under your institution.  


*If you need to delete/remove a user, select the relevant user(s) and click the "Manage users" button in the upper right.  This is where you will find the "Remove users from institution" option.  



*Important: The email you import into Portal for a user represents your records.  The email on the student's Logos account will be determined by the email used by the student when they claim their license and sign into an account.  In other words, these emails may be different, but Portal will associate the email in your records with the email the student uses for Logos.  If you change the email for a user in Portal, you are simply changing your records and not changing the email on the student's actual Logos account.  The student is responsible for managing their account, changing the email address, resetting the password, etc., which can be done at https://www.logos.com/account/profile


5) Grant Subscription Access to Users


Now that users have been added, you can begin granting access to your subscription.  To do this, you will need to head back to your subscription under the "Libraries" tab at the top.



Click into your Subscription library to view the details and access the license management options.  Below the library/subscription details, you will see a list of users.  The users that are visible here can be adjusted using the filters in the top right of the user list.



Three filters can be used to adjust which users you see listed:

  • "Users with license"- when this filter is active, you will only see users who have been granted access to the library.  Use this filter when you need to confirm a user has access, resend invite emails, revoke a license, or change the license status from temporary to permanent, etc.  
  • "Users without license"- when this filter is active, you will only see users who have not been granted access to the library.  Use this filter when you need to grant access to new users.
  • "All Users"- when this filter is active, you will see all users who have been imported into Portal for your institution.  


To assign a seat to a user, you need to begin by selecting the relevant user(s).  In most cases, you will want to start with the "Users without a license" filter active.  You will now see a list of all users who have been imported to your institution and still don't have access to the subscription.  You can narrow the Users list by searching in the find box or using the various filtering options.  You can then select users by using the checkboxes on the left of user rows or by selecting in bulk by using the "Select by CSV" option in the top left.  


Use the "Manage users" button in the top right to distribute the library to the selected users.  



Choose "Grant temporary license" to distribute seats to your subscription.  Choose "Revoke license" at the bottom when you need to remove a user's access to the subscription.


*Again, access to your subscription will always be temporary access.  You cannot provide permanent licenses to users.  


Once you begin distributing seats, you will find it helpful to sort the user list in ways that allow you to identify important segments like those who have unclaimed seats.  Use the following strategies to filter your list:


First, start with the user filters in the top right of the list to view users with a license.  Once this is done, the "License Kind" and "License Status" columns will allow you to sort the list in strategic ways.



License Kind includes the following categories:

  • None: The user has not been granted a license for the library.
  • Permanent: The user has been granted a permanent license for the library. (not available for subscriptions)
  • Temporary: The user has been granted a temporary license for the library.


License Status includes the following categories:

  • Delivered: The license to the library has been successfully claimed by the user.
  • None: The user has not been granted a license for the library.
  • Opted Out: The user has opted out from receiving a license. (if opt-out is enabled by the institution)
  • Revoked: The admin has revoked a license previously granted to the user.  
  • Unclaimed: The user has been granted a license but has not completed the claim process.  


Use a combination of these filters to identify a needed segment.  For example, if you need to identify users who haven't claimed their seat in order to resend them an invite email, do the following:


Use the drop-down menu at the top of the "License Kind" column to select only the "Temporary" filter.  



Next, use the drop-down menu at the top of the "License Status" column to select only the "Unclaimed" filter. 



The combination of these filters will give you a list of all users with an unclaimed seat for your subscription.  From here, you can simply use the "Manage users" menu to resend the invite emails, etc.  


6) Students Claim Their Subscription


*We recommend that you send students the instructions found in the article: How to Claim a Logos License for the next steps.  It is recommended that you also send out your Claim URL with these instructions.  


Once you grant a student access to the subscription, that individual will need to claim it.  This process simply involves following a claim link and either signing into an existing Logos account or creating a new one.  Once this is complete, the subscription will be added to that account.  


Once you grant access, a series of automated emails will be sent to the student to walk them through the claim process.  To learn more about these automated emails, read Automated Emails Sent to Students.


If you have students that do not receive the automated emails, you will need to send them your school's unique "License Claim URL".  This URL will be found in the Admin Portal under the "Overview" tab as seen below.



You can also resend the invite/claim email from a library.  Simply choose the user from the list and use the "Resend Invite Emails" option under the "Manage users" menu.



Once a student clicks the claim URL, they will be directed to sign in to a Logos account or create a new one. 


*Important: The email you import into Portal for a user represents your records.  The email on the student's Logos account will be determined by the email used by the student when they claim their access and sign into an account.  In other words, these emails may be different, but Portal will associate the email in your records with the email the student uses for Logos.  If you change the email for a user in Portal, you are simply changing your records and not changing the email on the student's actual Logos account.  The student is responsible to manage their account, change the email address, or reset the password, etc.  


7) Manage Licenses


The process described above introduces the basics of managing your subscription using the Admin Portal.  From this point forward, you will need to do the following to manage licenses:

  • Add and Select Users
    • Use the Search/Find
    • Use User Tags
    • Bulk select by email using the "Select by CSV" option
  • Grant or Revoke Access
    • Grant temporary licenses when providing access to your subscription
    • Revoke when the user should lose access to the subscription
    • Send/Resent the claim link to those who haven't claimed their seat
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