Inclusive Access: How to Access Your Textbooks

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Congratulations! Your school is providing you with textbooks and/or course materials in Logos.  If you have never used Logos, you are going to be amazed at what you can do.  Here's a quick preview:

  • Take your books anywhere with the Logos apps
  • Highlight and take notes like never before
  • Run powerful searches so that you can find what you need in less time
  • Create automatic citations for your papers
  • Access tools created to help you understand God's Word and grow in your relationship with Him


To get started with Logos, you will need to complete a few simple steps:

  1. Click the Logos link within your course
  2. Use the Claim Dashboard to Connect to a Logos Account
  3. Open Your Course Materials in the Logos Apps


EasyStart Videos illustrating these steps:


Below you will find a step-by-step guide to help you get started.


1) Click the Logos Link Within Your Course


To begin, you need to find the Logos link that has been added to your course.  This link will allow you to initially claim your course materials, and it can also be used at any time to get back to those resources.  The name of the link can vary, and the location will depend upon which Learning Management System your school uses.  The screenshots below will help you know where to look:



(In Canvas, you will find the Logos link with the other course navigation links to the left of your course modules.)



(In Populi, you will find the Logos link under the Syllabus view for your course.)



(In Moodle, you will find the Logos link included under a lesson for your course.)


2) Use the Claim Dashboard to Access Course Materials


Once you click the Logos link within your course, you be will taken to the claim dashboard providing you with an overview of what to do next.  Consider these as steps to complete before you move on.  These steps include:


  • Connecting Your Logos Account (new or existing)
  • Reviewing Course Materials
  • Opting Out if desired
  • Enrolling in the Academic Discount Program, if needed



Start by connecting your Logos account at the top.



If you already have a Logos account, you can click "Sign in".  This will open the Logos authentication portal where you can sign in to your account as seen below.



If you do not have an existing Logos account, you need create one by clicking "Create account".  This will open the Logos authentication portal where you can create your account as seen below.



Once you successfully connect your Logos account, you will see a confirmation message similar to the one below:



Next, you can review the course materials that have now been delivered to your Logos account.  To open a course textbook, simply click the title or open all materials by clicking the "Open in Logos" button.



Third, you may have the option to Opt out.  Opting out is a way for you to choose not to claim your course materials in Logos.  If you want more information on opt-out, click "What is Opt-out?".  If you do not see this section, your school has disabled the opt-out option.



Last, once you have connected your Logos account, you can view your enrollment status for the Logos Academic Discount Program.   This program is a great way for you to save money.  If you are not enrolled, feel free to do so.  It is free!



*Please remember, you will need to click on the Logos link in your LMS for each course you are taking to access the titles for that course. However, once you have connected Logos account, you will not need to re-connect the account again for that course. Instead, the link will direct you to the dashboard where you can open your course materials as described below.  


3) Start Using Your Books in Logos


There are two ways you can open your course materials in Logos.


#1- Click the "Open in Logos" button.  In most cases, this will open the Logos Web App to your course materials.  



Please keep in mind that all of your course materials have been added to your connected Logos account and can be found in your Logos Library and in a course folder within the Favorites Tool as seen below.




#2- Click the title of a resource in the Course Materials section of the Dashboard.  In most cases, this will open the specific resource in the Logos Web App.



Now that your account is connected and your textbooks have been added, head over to to learn more about how to get the most out of your books.





The Old Process

1) Click the Logos Link for Your Course


To complete this, follow the steps described at the beginning of this article.  


2) Confirm You Want to Claim Your Textbooks in Logos


Next, you may be asked if you want to opt out of the Logos Inclusive Access program.  



If you see this option, you will need to choose the option “Take me to my textbooks.” and click "Confirm" to claim your books. 


**If you choose the "I want to opt out." option, you are choosing to not claim your textbooks in Logos.  If needed, you can learn more by reading the Opt in/Opt out Instructions.  


3) Create or Sign Into a Logos Account


If this is your first time clicking a Logos link, a new screen will populate confirming that you want to link your school account with a Logos account where you will own and interact with your textbooks. Click "Continue" on this new screen to resume the process. 



Next, you will either sign in to an existing Logos account or create a new one.



Using an Existing Logos Account: 

If you already have an existing Logos account, use the populated sign-in page to sign in to your account. If you have forgotten your password, you can use the "Forgot your password?" link on this page to reset and then resume the process.


Creating a New Account:

If you are new to Logos, click "create an account" at the bottom of the sign-in page (see the image above). Clicking this link will populate the account creation page shown below. Enter a valid email address and complete the steps.



4) Start Using the Logos Apps


Once you complete the steps above, you will be directed to the Logos Web App ( where you will see a list of our course textbooks. You now have access to these titles in your Logos account for life.



*Please remember, you will need to click on the textbooks link in your LMS for each course you are taking to access the titles for that course. However, once you have linked an existing account or created a new account, you will not need to re-link accounts again for that course. Instead, the link will direct you straight to the Logos web app with course textbooks listed.


Now that your account is set up and your textbooks have been added, head over to to learn more about how to get the most out of your books.


Also, you can explore all of your options for using Logos at you aren't sure which app to use, here are a few tips:


1) Explore them all!  You can use all the available Logos apps so don't feel like you have to pick only one.


2) Use the Logos Web App if you are looking for a quick way to access your books from your web browser.  This is a great option for those primarily reading textbooks or doing basic bible study.  


3) Use the Logos Mobile App if you are looking for an easy way to access your books from any phone or tablet.  This is a great option for those primarily reading textbooks or doing basic bible study on the go.


4) Use the Logos Desktop App (Downloaded Software) if you are looking to get the full experience of Logos. Downloading the software is best for those who need tools for advanced exegesis and research.  


If you have any trouble, don't hesitate to reach out to Logos Customer Support for help:



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