How do I assign roles in my Faithlife Group?

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Members of your Faithlife group will be able to accomplish different tasks based on the role they have in your group. These roles include:

  • Follower - someone who has chosen to follow your group but cannot post on the group page or send messages within the group;
  • Member - someone who can actively participate in the life of the group by posting on the group page, sending messages to others, and interacting with the group’s content;
  • Moderator - someone who can configure group settings and permissions;
  • Administrator - someone who can make changes to the group itself, invite new members, grant others the administrator status, etc.

But before you can assign people to a new role, they need to be connected to your group.

To learn how to invite currently unconnected people to your group, see our article on the topic.


Roles and Subgroups

Roles within your group are distinct from roles in subgroups. To fill roles within your subgroups, you’ll first need to invite people to join that particular subgroup.

From here you can invite:

  • An individual by name if they already have a Faithlife account.
  • An individual by email address if they don't already have a Faithlife account. The recipient will be prompted to create a free Faithlife account once they get your invitation.
  • A Faithlife Group by name (if you select this option, each member of the group will get an invitation, but followers of the group will not. Those who join the Faithlife Group after your invitation has been sent will not receive one when they join.)

As with roles in your group, roles within subgroups have different privileges and responsibilities. To change a member’s role, start by clicking the Members tab in the sidebar. Then, tick the boxes for any members whose role you wish to make the same change to (ie. change the role for all selected members from moderator to administrator), and click the Actions dropdown.


Select the change you wish to make and click it to apply the change immediately.

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