How Do I Change My Group's Name?

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Admins of groups, admins of subgroups, and admins of teams can change their group name from the group’s settings on

Note: Learn more about creating and configuring a group, adding subgroups to your church group, or using teams.

1. Open your group, subgroup, or team.

You can navigate directly to and sign in. Select your group, subgroup, or team in the left-hand Groups panel.

2. Open your Group Settings.

Scroll down to the Admin panel, expand Settings, and select Group Settings.

Remember: You must be an Admin of your group, subgroup, or team to change its name.

3. Change your name.

Groups, teams, and subgroups can be referenced by two names:

  • Group Name: The full, unique name of the group.
  • Group Nickname: The shortened or abbreviated group name that displays for your group members.

You can change either name by selecting the current name in the text box and providing a new name.

Your changes will be saved automatically.

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