Faithlife Files automatically logs and displays statistics for each asset file in your vault.
To view statistics, click the View asset details button in the bottom right of the file preview.
A readout at the top of the asset displays a basic set of statistics.
- Rating: displays your rating (in this case, 5.0) and shows how many users have rated this asset
- Views: shows total views for the asset
- Download: shows total downloads for the asset
- Favorite: shows how many users have favorited the asset
- Shares: shows how many users have shared the asset
For more details, click Stats.
This expanded view contains a few additional details.
- Boards: shows how many boards the asset is connected to
- Shared URLs: shows each time the asset is shared, the share link, the person who created the link, view statistics for each link, and provides users the power to Deactivate this URL.