You can share any assets with others from your Digital Asset Manager.
Skip ahead to:
- Understanding File Permissions
- Share a Link or Embed to a File
- Share direct CDN links
- Updating and Asset and Sharing
- View Sharing Statistics
Understanding File Permissions
While you can share any asset using the share options below, if you want people to have access to assets inside your Digital Asset Manager, they’ll need to be part of your group with a role that matches the asset’s permissions settings.
You can set access permissions on any file so the file is available to others on two levels:
- Can View: who can view the file in your Digital Asset Manager
- Can Edit: who can edit the file in your Digital Asset Manager
Choose between one of the available options:
- Admins: complete control over all group settings and actions
- Mods: maintain and manage the group
- Members: regular members of the group
- Followers: those with a Faithlife account who can read group posts for followers or public without becoming members
- Public: anyone online with a link to your content
Upon upload, all files take your default permission settings. You can change these settings in your group’s Features & Permissions settings page (marked by Default).
Warning! Setting Can View on any asset to “Public” means anyone on the internet can access the file in your Digital Asset Manager. Learn more about settings permissions for files.
If someone is in your group and has access to the file, they can access the link in the Digital Asset Manager.
Share a Link or Embed to a File
While viewing any asset, click Share. Choose to create a share link or copy an embed code.
Create a share link
With the Share tab selected, you can create a share link in a variety of ways. Click Copy to add the link to your clipboard.
You can also share the asset using one of the following social options:
- Share the file on Faithlife
- Share the file on Facebook
- Share the file on Twitter
- Share a link using your default email client
Additionally, you can customize your link by:
- Setting an expiration date: check Link expires on to set an expiration date on your share link.
- Customizing the URL: click Customize and provide your own wording for the URL.
Copy an embed code
Click the Embed tab to copy an HTML embed code with your asset.
Scroll down to customize the embed code.
Click Copy to add the link to your system clipboard.
Share direct CDN links
You can also share a direct CDN link to any of the asset versions.
- Copy an HTML-ready link to your clipboard for this asset version
- Copy a direct CDN link to your clipboard for this asset version
Note: Learn more about web optimized options.
Updating and Asset and Sharing
If your shared link references the asset itself, it will be updated whenever you update the asset. If your shared link, however, points to a specific file or version of your asset, it will not update automatically when you update the asset.
Note: Learn more about updating assets in your Digital Asset Manager.
View Sharing Statistics
Every file tracks total views, ratings, downloads, and more, which you can view from the asset’s details page.
- Rating: displays the average rating for the asset and shows the number of ratings given
- Views: shows the number of views for the asset
- Download: shows total downloads for the asset
- Favorite: shows how many times the asset has been favorited
- Shares: shows how many users have shared the asset
Click Stats to view these additional details:
- Boards: shows how many boards the asset is connected to.
- Shared URLs: shows each time the asset is shared, the share link, the person who created the link, and the view statistics for each link.