Add Custom Metadata and Attach Native Design Files

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As you work with files in Faithlife’s Digital Asset Manager, you can add custom metadata and native design asset files. Custom metadata not only enhances searching and filtering but also helps you organize your assets. Adding native design files to an assets keeps all associated files together in one location.

To add metadata or native files, open your Digital Asset Manager (click Files in your group’s Community panel), hover over your desired asset, and click the View asset details View Asset Details - Blue icon icon.

Note: Learn more about using Faithlife’s Digital Asset Manager.

Add Custom File Metadata

Generally, the more metadata attached to an asset, the easier it is to locate it when filtering or searching your files. You can enter standard metadata and customized metadata in the Details area of the View asset details page.

Faithlife generates some file metadata automatically. auto-generated metadata

  • Asset ID: shows the unique identifier of your asset.
  • Kind: displays the type of asset.
  • Uploaded/File Date: clicking on these dates runs a search for all documents with an upload or asset date within 12 hours of the viewed asset. Depending on the asset, you may see the Uploaded date displayed only.
  • Dimensions: depending on the asset type, additional metadata displays, like the asset's dimensions.
  • Auto tags: Faithlife generates tags based on the asset’s attributes.

Note: Click More and then Extended Metadata to see additional auto-captured metadata like advanced ISO settings for photos, sample rate for audio files, and more.

Add additional standard metadata the the top of the Details pane. Details metadata pane

  • Authors: Faithlife suggests user names from your group, although you can add any name as an author.
  • Description: this text field allows you to provide a more extended description about the asset.
  • Tags: as you add tags, Faithlife suggests tags your group has used before as well as common terms from the Wikipedia vocabulary to help you standardize your wording.
  • Status: indicates if the asset is in draft, published, or retired status. Some services (like FaithlifeTV) will only show assets with Published or N/A status, not Draft or Retired. Learn more about asset-level permissions.
  • Can View/Can Edit: these fields allow you to adjust the permissions for the asset. Learn more about asset-level permissions.
  • Rights/Copyright: allows you to provide information on copyright and attribution rights.
  • Date: if no date is associated with the asset, Faithlife uses the upload date, although you can provide your own manually.
  • Language: allows you to identify the language(s) used in the asset.

In addition to the standard metadata, you can provide more advanced files. Click +Add metadata and select from several popular fields or add a custom metadata field (e.g., “Photographer” or “Ministry Lead”). add custom metadata

Note: When you upload media, Faithlife runs an automated Safe Search analysis to predict whether or not the file contains explicit or objectionable content. Click More to view this Safe Search analysis.

Attach a Native Design Asset File

Native files are design, text, or creative files connected to an asset. Adding native files helps keep associated files together. For example, you can keep a design file together with the final image or attach a compressed folder of files (e.g., fonts, text documents, images, etc.) used to create a PDF.

  1. Locate the Native File panel on the right-hand side panel.
  2. Click within the Native File section and select the file.
  3. Click Open to upload it.

add native file to asset

Note: Alternatively, drag and drop a file to this section to upload it.

The uploaded file appears in the Native File area and remains attached to the asset.

To delete a native file, click the × in the Native File area. Delete native file

Note: To download a native file, click the file name. To update a native file, drag and drop the new native file over the panel or remove the old one and upload a new one.

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