How can I share a Logos document?

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Any document you create in Logos can be shared with your church group or any subgroup you belong to using the Logos desktop app or You can easily share a Passage List with your theology class, a Prayer List with your small group, or a Visual Filter with other Logos users. When you share a document, you can choose whether it is a “read-only file or if others can contribute changes.


Share a Document from the Logos desktop

Open the Documents menu by clicking the Documents icon (1) and select your document by clicking an area next to the document name (2). This will activate the Share option.

Note: Do not click the document name.

Then click Share (3) to open the share menu.

Select Document To Share (Desktop)

Note: You can also access sharing options from an open document by clicking Share.

Share Open Document (Desktop)


The Share menu provides the option to either share the document publicly or to a specific group. The Public option has a toggle that is used to make the document public and, once that toggle is made, you are given a public link to the document that you can share and made available to anyone you wish.

Share Document Publicly Toggle (Desktop) Link To Publicly Shared Document (Desktop)


The Group option provides a dropdown menu from where you can select the group to which the document will be shared. And once you have selected the group, you are given the option to allow others to collaborate and make changes to the shared document.

Select Target Group (Desktop) Enable Document Collaboration (Desktop)

Note: To cancel sharing a document, click the X in the upper right corner of the sharing panel.

Once you have made the selections you want, click the Done button. Your document will now be available at, either as a publicly available document or in the group you selected. To change the sharing options, repeat these steps, and apply your desired changes.


Share a Document from

Navigate to in a web browser. Login with the same email address and password associated with your Logos account. You will see a list of all your documents and you can search for the one you want to share (1), filter to a particular type of document (2) or filter based on status (3)

Using Documents Dot Logos Dot Com


Hover over the document you want to share - this will expose an Actions button. Click this to see a list of options including two that relate to sharing it.

  • Publish - shares a read-only copy of your document with your group. You may publish a document to multiple groups with a single action.
  • Collaborate - shares a copy of your document with your group. Group members can open the document in Logos and make changes. These changes update the document each time it is opened. When this option is selected, you can only select one group to collaborate with at a time.

Open Documents Action Menu


Check the box next to the group(s) you want to share with and click Publish or Collaborate

Publish Document To Groups


Access a Shared Document

You can access shared documents from the Documents menu in the desktop app. Select the Groups tab to see documents shared in groups you belong to, select the Public tab to see documents that are available to everyone. In both cases, you can use the faceted browser on the left of the Find box to locate documents you want to access.

Access Documents Shared In Your Groups (Desktop) Access Publicly Shared Documents (Desktop)


Once you have located the document you can either select it (1) and click the Add to your docs button (2), or right-click it and choose Add to your docs (3) from the popup menu.

Add To Your Docs (Desktop)


This will add it your Logos environment enabling you to engage with it - including editing it if the document owner enabled collaboration.

Engage With Shared Document (Desktop)


Unshare a Document

To unshare a document, right-click it in the Documents menu and select the Share option.

Select Document To Unshare (Desktop)


If you have shared it to a group and enabled collaboration, you will need to stop the collaboration before unsharing the document.

Stop Collaboration (Desktop)


To withdraw a document from a group, select the Change sharing option and choose which groups to withdraw the document from.

Change Sharing Options (Desktop) Withdraw Document From Group (Desktop)


If is is a publicly shared document, you can toggle sharing off using the same toggle you used to initially share it.

Note: If another user creates a duplicate of your document, the duplicate is owned by that user and is not deleted when you unshare your document with the group. 



Share a Document from the Web App

There are two ways of sharing a document within the web app - either choosing it from the dropdown menu in the list of documents, or from an open document itself.

Select Share Option (Web)


Selecting either of these brings up a menu with three options:

  1. Keep the document private to yourself
  2. Share it with one or more groups
  3. Generate a link to the document that anyone with the link can use

Share Menu (Web)


If you select the group sharing option, you are asked to choose the group(s) you want to share with (1) as well as being given the option to make the document available to everyone (2).

Specify Group Sharing (Web)


Selecting the Choose a group option brings up another menu where you can choose the group(s) you want to share the document with (1) and where you can also specify you want those in the group to be able to collaborate on the document (2). If you select that option, you can only choose one group to share the document with - otherwise you can share the document with multiple groups.

Specify Groups And Collaboration (Web)


Collaboration provides the ability for multiple people to make changes to the document and these changes are synchronized with everyone in the group. If you don't select this option, those in the group can only read the document but not change it.

If you do select the collaboration option, then when you have completed sharing the document you are advised you need to stop collaboration before making any later changes to how it is shared.

Collaboration Guidance (Web)


If you choose the option to generate a link, you are also given the option to make the document available to everyone (1). Click the Copy link button (2) to place the link in your clipboard which you can then forward to anyone you want to have access to the document.

Specify Public Sharing (Web)


Access a Shared Document

To access a shared document in the web app, all you need is the URL generated in the previous step. You can then enter that URL into your browser to get access to the document - this provides an option to add the shared document to your local set of docs.

Adding Shared Doc (Web)


Once there, you can access it in exactly the same way as any document you created yourself.

Accessing Shared Doc (Web)


Unshare a Document

To unshare a document, start by selecting the the Share action for the document (as above). If the document has been shared collaboratively to a group, you will be reminded that you need to end collaboration.

Collaboration Guidance (Web)


Doing this will both stop collaboration and stop sharing the document with the group.

Collaboration Ended (Web)


If you had shared the document in read-only mode, then when you select the Share action you can deselect the group(s) you are currently sharing with or, optionally, select different groups using the selection menu as before.

Stop Group Sharing (Web)


If you have shared the document publicly then, when you select the Share action, you can select the Private option to stop sharing the document.

Stop Public Sharing (Web)

Note: If another user creates a duplicate of your document, the duplicate is owned by that user and is not deleted when you unshare your document with the group.

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