Set Default Permissions For Your Group's Files

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As an admin of your group, you can set group-level permissions for all files in your group’s digital asset manager from your group’s Group Features & Permissions settings page.

Your default permission applies to all files, but can be overridden for specific files that need to be available to more or less people. Learn more about setting permission levels for specific files.

Note: For example, you will likely want a fairly strict setting as your default so your files aren’t available to anyone in your group or on the internet, but you may need to share a file publicly online. You can set that single file to public. Alternatively, you may have an admin-only file you need to make more strict than your default.

1. Open the digital asset manager.

Login to and select your group in the left-hand sidebar. Scroll down to the left-hand Admin panel, expand Settings, and choose Group Features & Permissions.

2. Adjust the Files permission settings.

Scroll down to the content section and ensure it is toggled to YES. You can control three defaults: who can view group files, who can edit file metadata, and who can upload files to the group. Note that for group members to post images on your group activity feed, Upload files to the group must be set to Members.

Adjust the sliders to meet your needs. Below is a brief description of the available roles:

  • Admin: Full control over the group
  • Moderators: Those tasked with helping the administrator manage the group
  • Members: Regular members of the group
  • Followers: Anyone on Faithlife who chooses to follow your group
  • Public: Anyone on the internet

Warning! Setting your global permissions to Public by default will let anyone on the internet view all your group files. If you need any specific image set to public (e.g., an image you’re showing on your public website, etc.), set that file’s viewing permission to Public.

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