Understand and Manage Content Licenses

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Your group can purchase individual resources, sets of resources, Logos libraries, subscriptions, and more. Admins can assign these resources to any members of your group from the Admin navigation panel.

Note: Group licenses are held by the group that purchased them and cannot be assigned to a subgroup or to a parent group. If you are members of both groups, however, you can receive resources from the group that owns the license. To distribute resources only to a subgroup, purchase the resources for the subgroup itself.


Understand Group Licenses

Any group on Faithlife.com can purchase content for their group members.

View Your Group Licenses

To view your group licenses, go to Faithlife.com, login, and select your group in the left-hand sidebar (choose whatever group or subgroup holds the license). Expand Settings in the Admin navigation panel and choose Licenses. This page will display the total licenses purchased, the accounts with access to those licenses, how many licenses remain, and when they will expire (if applicable).

Note: You must be an Admin in your church group to view and assign licenses.

Your group may own one or more of several content types. The product name shows on the left, remaining available licenses display in the middle column, and the type shows on the right. If your content will expire, the expiration date displays below the content type.

  • Subscription: content purchased on a subscription like Faithlife Equip
  • Access: content connected to a team or group, like a Proclaim Presentation Team
  • Owned: standalone content purchased by your church

How Licenses are Assigned

Licenses are assigned in three different ways:

  1. Auto-assigned.

Some licenses are auto-assigned. Under the product name, auto-assigned licenses include a readout marking them as auto-assigned. You can set these to apply to Followers and higher level permissions or Members and higher level permissions in your group. Learn more below.

  1. Manually-assigned.

Manually-assigned licenses show a blue Assign button in the far right column. Typically, these are either Logos Pastoral Premiere licenses included in Faithlife Equip or standalone content licenses. Learn more below.

  1. Team-assigned licenses.

Some teams provide access to content, like Faithlife Proclaim presentation teams. Because you can share the license with as many people as join your group, they show Unlimited availability. To grant someone access to this content, invite new team members to your team. Learn more below

View Assigned Licenses

You can locate who owns content either by the product or by the individual. Click the down arrow for any product to view who holds a license for the content.

To view ownership by individuals, scroll down to the Licensees section to see what licenses each individual holds.


Assign Group Licenses

As described above, there are three ways licenses are applied. Follow these steps for the respective license application type:

Configure auto-assign licenses.

Your church may own a variety of licenses, including subscriptions that are auto-assigned. If a subscription is auto-assigned, a readout will say Auto-assigned licenses under the Product title, as the three examples below.

By default, licenses are assigned to Followers of your group and all those with higher level permissions (learn more about group roles). This means anyone who decides to follow your group will receive a license. You can limit resources to those you invite and accept as members of your group via the dropdown.

Note: If you tell Faithlife to auto-assign licenses to Members and higher level permissions, licenses will be revoked for any Followers who hold existing licenses.

Assign manual licenses.

Some subscriptions are manually assigned and show a blue Assign button for remaining licenses. You can assign these licenses to any members of your group via the Assign button.

Note: You can locate all current members from the Group Members tab in the main left-hand Community navigation panel of your group homepage. Learn how to invite new people to your group.

Begin typing to find members of your group and then select them from the list that populates. If you have several licenses available, you can add them at the same time. When finished, click Assign.

Faithlife will assign available resources and update the number of available licenses remaining for your group.

Note: Because of our licensing agreements, manually-assigned licenses need to stay with the account to which they’ve been assigned. If you have specific questions about your situation, please contact us at 888–634–2038 or support@faithlife.com.

Churches with Faithlife Equip have access to Pastoral Premiere Licenses, which must be manually-assigned. For specific direction, watch the video below:


Assign team licenses.

Some licenses are distributed to anyone who joins a team in your church group—like a Proclaim presentation team. To assign licenses for these products, invite the person to your team.

Navigate to your team and click Invite. Add email addresses or Faithlife account names in the entry field, provide a personalized message for context (optional), and click Invite.

When people accept your invitation, Faithlife will apply the team license to them automatically.

Note: Learn more about inviting people to your team.


Remove Group Licenses

As described above, there are three ways licenses are applied. Follow these steps for the respective license application type:

  1. Auto-assigned licenses.

To remove an auto-assigned license, remove the person from your group via the Directory by selecting their name, expanding the Actions button, and removing them from your group.

Note: You can bulk remove licenses from Followers by setting your auto-assign licenses to Members via the dropdown as shown above.

  1. Manually-assigned licenses.

Because of our licensing agreements, manually-assigned licenses need to stay with the account to which they’ve been assigned. If you have specific questions about your situation, please contact us at 888–634–2038 or support@faithlife.com.

  1. Team-assigned licenses.

To remove a team-assigned license, remove the person from your team via the team’s Directory by selecting their name, expanding the Actions button, and removing them from your team.

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