Prayer Requests

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Your Faithlife account enables you to request prayer, edit those requests, and support others who share requests. 

Note: Prayer requests show in newsfeeds while prayer lists are private or shared collections of prayers that show in your sidebar. 

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1. Request Prayer

You can request prayer in any Faithlife group you’ve joined or in your personal Faithlife profile. Prayer posts live in the newsfeed (as opposed to prayer lists which live in the right-hand sidebar). 

Request prayer in a Group.

To request prayer in a group, follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to your desired group. In the top of your group newsfeed, a content box appears. Click Prayer.

2. Select as yourself. If you have permission to post as the group, you will can select as group to post as your group if applicable.

3. Select your type of prayer from the dropdown menu. 

4. Add the content of your prayer request and provide media if applicable by clicking + Add Media.

5. Click Post.

Your request will display in the group’s newsfeed and in the main newsfeed of anyone connected to that group. Posts to your group could be available publicly. When you’re adding your request, the readout will describe the publicity of your request per the group’s settings.

  • To: Public via Your Group—anyone with a account can see your request if they view the group’s newsfeed.
  • To: Followers of Your Group—anyone who follows your group can see your request in the group’s newsfeed and in their newsfeed.
  • To: Members of Your Group—anyone who is a member of your group can see your request in the group’s newsfeed and in their newsfeed. 

The example below is “To: Public via Sample Church”

An administrator can change post visibility settings in the group’s settings.


Request prayer in your personal Faithlife profile.

To request prayer in your personal Faithlife profile, follow the steps below.

1. In the top of your newsfeed, a content box appears. Click Prayer

2. Ensure To: My Faithlife is selected in the dropdown menu. 

3. Select your type of prayer from the dropdown menu.

4. Add the content of your prayer request and provide media if applicable by clicking + Add Media.

5. Click Post.

Your request will post to your Faithlife profile. Everyone connected to you through a group will see your request in their main newsfeed.

Note: If you want your Faithlife Profile to have more or less visibility to others, click on your Profile Picture in the top right-hand of your webpage, select Account Settings, expand Visibility in the Profile tab, and adjust your settings. By default, your My Profile posts will show for anyone connected to you through a group.


2. Edit and Delete Prayer Requests

You can edit or delete any prayer requests you shared by selecting the down arrow on your request to expand the menu. 

Note: This menu also lets you see how many people have seen your post.


3. Support Others in Prayer

Express your support for others by selecting a response or by adding a comment in your group or on your Faithlife profile. Your comment will have the same visibility as the prayer request.

Respond to group requests.

As a member of a group, you can respond to prayer requests posted to a group in a few other ways by selecting the down arrow

  • More from this group increases how often you see this group’s posts
  • Less from this group decreases how often you see this group’s posts
  • Mute this group removes this post and all future group posts from your newsfeed
  • Flag as inappropriate informs Faithlife for possible removal
  • Share provides a link to share the request with anyone who has a Faithlife profile

As an administrator or moderator of a group, you can take yet additional actions.

  • Delete removes the post from your group
  • Pin post keeps the post at the top of your group’s newsfeed until it is manually unpinned
  • You have access to total post views for all posts in your group


Respond to My Faithlife requests. 

You can respond to prayer requests posted to My Faithlife profiles in a few other ways by selecting the down arrow.

  • More from this user increases how often you see this user’s My Faithlife posts
  • Less from this user decreases how often you see this user’s My Faithlife posts
  • Mute this user removes this post and all future My Faithlife posts from your newsfeed
  • Flag as inappropriate informs Faithlife for possible removal
  • Share provides a link to share the request with anyone who has a Faithlife profile
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