Sending Messages

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Your Faithlife account includes a powerful messaging system. Quickly and securely connect with a person, topic, or group.

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Send a Message

Access your messages by logging into your account on and clicking the messages icon in the top right corner of your webpage. From here, you can see and interact with any of your previous message threads. You can send new messages to a group, post about a topic, or connect with another Faithlife user one-on-one.

Did you know? You can video chat for free with Faithlife messages? Learn more.


Message a Person

You can send a message to any individual with whom you share a group.

After clicking the messages icon , you can scroll through your previous threads in the pop-up window. Click any thread to open it and continue chatting. To start a new thread, click New message, ensure Person is selected, then enter the person's name.


Message about a Topic

You can send a message to several people using topics. With this tool, you can create a custom-curated message thread that is limited to the people you choose. For instance, if you and a small group are planning a birthday celebration for your senior pastor, you can create a message thread limited to those who are part of the planning process.

If you’re continuing a previous conversation, it will appear in your messages list along with the title you assigned it. Click the thread to open it.

To start a new thread, 

  1. Click the messages icon  followed by New message.
  2. Select Topic.
  3. Enter a title for the topic.
  4. Search for people to add to the topic and select them from the dropdown. Once again, in order to add people to the topic, you’ll need to share at least one group.
  5. Click Done.

If you want to change the topic title or the people included in the thread, click Edit topic and make any changes you wish.


Message a Group

You can also send a message to your entire Faithlife group. If you’re continuing a previous conversation, it will appear in your messages list along with the title you assigned it. Click the thread to open it.

To start a new thread, 

  1. Click the messages icon  followed by New message.
  2. Click Group.
  3. Search for a group name and select it from the dropdown.

Note: In order to send a message to a Group, you or another administrator may need to change the Group’s permissions.


Tools and Settings

Edit a Message

To edit any existing message, hover over the message to reveal the edit icon. Click it, make your changes, and click Done.


Send Media

You can send photos or videos using Faithlife Messages.

  1. Click the media icon in the Write a message field.
  2. Select your desired media file and click Open.


Video Chat

You can video chat for free with Faithlife messages. Click the video chat icon  and a link will post to whatever message thread you're viewing inviting people to join you.

Note: Learn more about video chatting with Faithlife messages.



When messaging a topic or group, you can mention individual members (or everyone with a particular role) using the @ symbol. By default, any users mentioned will receive an email notification. 


Message Notifications

When you receive messages, a red indicator will appear.

By default, you will also receive an email notification when you are mentioned in a message or when you get a direct message. You can change this default setting by selecting your profile image in the top right-hand corner of the webpage, clicking Account Settings, navigating to the Notifications tab, and toggling off the notification setting. 


Topic/Group Members Online

When messaging about a topic or with a group, you can view the status of the message members at the top of the messaging window. Members who are currently online display in full color while offline members are grayed out.


Message Threading

Faithlife Messages also includes message threading, which allows you to organize your messages within a Topic or Group.

To contribute to a specific thread, select the message icon to the left of the message. A focused message window will appear containing only the messages in the currently selected thread. In the main window, threads are color-coded to help visually set them apart. Messages not connected to a thread will remain gray.

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