Create and Set Up a Faithlife Account

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When you create a Faithlife account, you can connect with others and access content across the Faithlife platform. Post encouragement and insights from your study, participate in a group reading plan, share prayer requests and keep track of your prayer for others, and more. Your Faithlife account can be accessed on the web at

Your Faithlife account and its credentials work across the Faithlife platform, including, Logos, Proclaim, and any other Faithlife product.

Note: If you already have an account with any current Faithlife product, you already have an account at Click Sign In and enter your email and password associated with your account.


Create an Account

To create a Faithlife account for the first time, go to (If you’ve received an email invitation to join a group, you can click the Join Group button in your email.)

  1. Click Register.

  2. Provide your name, email address, and a password.

    Sign up for communication from Faithlife to stay informed of changes and updates as well as to receive special offers (Optional). Click Register.

Welcome! We’re so glad you’re part of the Faithlife community.


Join a Group

Faithlife connects you to other Christians at your church and in the wider Christian community. Connections on are made through groups (rather than personally “following” or “friending” individuals).

Note: Accepting an email invitation to a Faithlife group bypasses this step and takes you immediately into your Faithlife group. Search for other groups by entering the name or keyword in the search bar at the top of the page next to the Faithlife banner.

To join a group, click the Find Group button on your newsfeed and enter the group’s name in the search field. Check any group(s) you want to join and click Done.

Note: You can also search for groups from the search bar at the top of the page.

The main feed on (“My Faithlife feed”) holds posts from all groups you’ve joined or followed. To view a group you’ve connected with on Faithlife, select it from the left-hand Groups panel.

Depending on the group type, you will be added as a Follower of the group(s) you selected above, although an Admin or a Moderator of the group can make you a member. Being a Follower of a group provides you with limited group access. In order to become a Member with full group access, you may have to request an invitation from that group’s administrator.

Note: If you need to contact a group Admin, go to your desired group and select About in the Community panel. Your group admin(s) will be listed on the group’s About page.


Edit Your Profile

Click your avatar at the top right of the screen and select Account Settings.

By default, your Profile tab is selected, which allows you to view and edit your profile on The tab is divided into multiple sections to give you maximum control over your profile. Faithlife will save any changes you make automatically.


Basic Profile Info

This top section is always visible to everyone on Faithlife. Add a profile photo and other profile details to update it.

  • Profile Photo: Click the Camera Icon and upload a photo from your computer. We recommend a photo 1024px × 1024px.
  • Display name: Your display name is the name that appears publicly on your profile. Some users prefer to use a nickname or an incomplete name (e.g., “Terrance J”) for their public-facing name rather than their full name.
  • Short bio: Provide a brief public-facing bio to tell others about yourself.
  • Profile URL: Faithlife auto-generates a unique URL for your profile, but you can alter it in the input box.

Pro Tip: Click the View profile button to see how your profile will look to others on

Detailed Profile Info

Each section below holds more detailed information about you. As always, you keep full control of the details you provide. Choose who can access each piece of information using the blue dropdown:

  • Me: You are the only one who is able to view this information.
  • Group Admins Admins and moderators of groups you join can access this information. This allows your church to pull in important information you want to share (e.g., for the church Directory, for example).
  • Co-Members: People who are members of groups that you are also a member of can view this information.
  • Everyone: Anyone who has a Faithlife profile can view this information.

Update each section below accordingly. Changes you make will save automatically.


Contact Information

Enter details about how people can connect with you (address, phone, email, etc.). Select the level of sharing for each mode of contact.


About You

This includes more detailed profile information, including gender, birthday, and bio. You also can see options for your faith background, skills, personality type, and more. The more information you provide, the easier it will be to connect with others and communicate together.



Share your spiritual gifts and testimony.


Marital status

Select a marital status and enter your wedding date.



Enter basic information about your employment history.



Use this section to let others know where you went to school and what degree(s) you earned.



Select who can see your posts and groups that you are a member of. You can also block other users, if necessary.



Access your full name (as opposed to your display name under the basic profile info) and login credentials. You can change your email or password from this section.



This section displays events from the previous sections where dates are included (e.g. Wedding date, employment, education, etc.)


Set Your Notifications

When you join groups on Faithlife, you will start receiving emails and/or mobile device notifications in the Faithlife app to keep you up-to-date with group content. You can adjust these defaults in your settings.

Note: Want to unsubscribe from Faithlife marketing emails? Learn how.

You can adjust group notification settings at two different levels:

  1. Set account-wide notification defaults
  2. Set per-group notification settings to override your defaults.

In other words, you can set one account-wide default and then different notification settings for specific groups.


Set Account-Wide Notification Defaults

These account-wide settings act as your defaults unless you override them for a specific group (as shown below).

  1. Open Notification Preferences.

    While logged into, click your profile picture and select Notification Preferences.
  2. Adjust your global settings.

    By default, Faithlife provides a Balanced notification preference, but you can select any pre-configured setting from the dropdown menu. To control a specific setting, adjust a notification preference below. When available, click on blue underlined words to set a default for a notification setting based on your role in a group. Changes you make will save automatically.

    Note: To receive push notifications on your mobile device, you must first download and log into the Faithlife mobile app. Learn more. You may need to grant permission for the app in order to view device notifications.

  3. Reset to defaults.

    You can force all groups to reset to your account-wide default settings by clicking Reset all to my account defaults. Alternatively, you can remove individual exceptions to your global settings by clicking the × for any notification setting to reset that individual group’s preferences for that setting.

    Note: These options will show only if you’ve set notification preferences in a group that differ from your account defaults.

Set Per-Group Notification Settings to Override Your Defaults.

Any group notification preferences will override your account defaults.

  1. Go to your group homepage.

    To provide more specific settings for any individual group, navigate to the group homepage (go to and select the group in the left-hand Groups panel).
  2. Open the Notification Preferences.

    Choose Notifications Preferences in the Community panel to fully customize your notification or expand Notification Preferences at the top of the Activity feed to choose Customize.

    Note: For quick changes for any group, use the dropdown menu at the top of the Activity feed to choose a preset for the group. By default, your group preset is set to Based on my custom global preferences.

  3. Set custom preferences for your group.

    To control a specific setting, adjust a notification preference below. When available, click on blue underlined words to set a default for a notification setting based on your role in a group. Changes you make will save automatically.

    Note: To receive push notifications on your mobile device, you must first download and log into the Faithlife mobile app. Learn more. You may need to grant permission for the app in order to view device notifications.

  4. Reset to account defaults.

    To reset individual preferences, click Reset for any notification preference that differs from your default or Reset all to my account defaults to remove all custom preferences for the group.

    Note: Get more help with setting notification preferences on Faithlife.


The Sidebar tab allows you to customize your Faithlife page by adding or removing interactive widgets that appear on the right-hand side of the page. Faithlife updates your settings in real-time providing you a live preview on the right side of the page. To personalize your Sidebar, click your avatar at the top right of the screen and select Account Settings. Click the Sidebar tab.


Add widgets

Drag widgets from the Widget list to the Active list add them to your sidebar. Private widgets are only visible to you, and Public widgets are visible to anyone who views your profile.

Once you add a widget, you can add content in the Active column. Update Prayer requests and Reading plans by clicking Add in the Live preview column. (Prayer requests and Reading plans can also be adjusted from your main page.)


Arrange widgets

Drag and drop widgets in the Active column to change the display order. Remove a widget from the Active column by clicking Delete in the upper right corner of the widget.

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