Inclusive Access: LTI Set Up | Moodle

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What is LTI?


LTI is an abbreviation for Learning Tools Interoperability, which is a standard protocol developed by the IMS Global Learning Consortium. It allows services like Logos to integrate with your Learning Management System (LMS) as single-sign-on tools.


The resulting experience for instructors and students is simple:

  1. Sign into your LMS.
  2. Navigate to your course.
  3. Click on the Logos LTI link.
  4. Access essential tools and textbooks in the Logos Web App.


Clicking on a Logos LTI link will enable instructors to associate the correct textbooks with their course and allow students to create or sign in to an existing Logos account and access their course materials.  No additional work is required from the instructor or student.


LTI Tool Configuration 

Before instructors can use a Logos LTI link for their course, it must be configured globally for your LMS by an administrator.  The steps below will help guide you through this process.  


First, sign in to Moodle as an administrator and open the Manage tools page

Click Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > External tool / Manage tools


Next, you will choose a configuration method — Dynamic Registration (recommended) or Manual Registration.

NOTE: Dynamic Registration requires Moodle version 3.10 or newer. 


Using Dynamic Registration


1. Enter the dynamic registration link (a long URL starting with https://lti.faithlife...) provided by your Sales Engineer and click Add LTI Advantage


2. You should see a new tool Logos Bible Software added under the Tools section on the Manage tools page. Click the setting icon to view External tool configuration.

3. The following fields must be manually updated (all the other fields should match the table in the Manual Configuration instructions):


Tool setting Required value
Default launch container New window
Supports Deep Linking (Content-Item Message) Checked
Content Selection URL
Privacy Required value
Force SSL Checked


4. Click Save changes.


The LTI Tool has now been configured and can be added to courses as needed. Click here for instructions on Course Linking.


Manual Configuration


1. Click the link Configure a tool manually.

2. Fill in the following fields:


Tool setting Required value
Tool name Logos Bible Software
Tool URL
Tool description Link to course textbooks in the Logos Bible Software web app.
LTI version LTI 1.3
Public key type Keyset URL
Public keyset
Initiate login URL
Redirection URI(s)
Custom parameters Leave blank
Tool configuration usage Show as preconfigured tool when adding an external tool
Default launch container New window
Supports Deep Linking (Content-Item Message) Checked
Content Selection URL
Service Required value
IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Services Do not use this service
IMS LTI Names and Role Provisioning Use this service to retrieve members' information as per privacy settings
Tool Settings Do not use this service
Privacy Required value
Share launcher's name with tool Always
Share launcher's email with tool Always
Accept grades from the tool Never
Force SSL  Checked


3. Click Save changes.


4. Locate the Logos Bible Software tool on the Manage tools page and click the icon that looks like a bulleted list with the hover tip View configuration details. Send these details to your Sales Engineer so Logos can enable the LTI Platform. Click Emailto email the details.

Once your Sales Engineer enables the LTI Platform, the LTI Tool has been configured and can be added to courses as needed. Click here for instructions on Course Linking.

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