What is LTI?
LTI is an abbreviation for Learning Tools Interoperability, which is a standard protocol developed by the IMS Global Learning Consortium. It allows services like Logos to integrate with your Learning Management System (LMS) as single-sign-on tools.
The resulting experience for instructors and students is simple:
- Sign into your LMS.
- Navigate to your course.
- Click on the Logos LTI link.
- Access essential tools and textbooks in the Logos Web App.
Clicking on a Logos LTI link will enable instructors to associate the correct textbooks with their course and allow students to create or sign in to an existing Logos account and access their course materials. No additional work is required from the instructor or student.
LTI Tool Configuration
Link to Canvas' Native Documentation
Before instructors can use a Logos LTI link for their course, it must be configured globally for your LMS by an administrator. The steps below will help guide you through this process.
Step 1: Canvas LTI Key Configuration
Sign in as an administrator.
Click Admin [1] > [Your School's Account Name][2] > Developer Keys [3] > + Developer Key [4] > + LTI Key [5]
Enter Key Settings
- Key Name: Logos Bible Software Course Materials.
- Owner Email: Can leave blank or add your Sales Engineer's email
- Configure Method: Paste JSON
- LTI 1.3 Configuration field: paste the contents of the configuration URL:
- Logos: Click for JSON
- Verbum (Catholic): Click for JSON
- Redirect URIs: https://lti.faithlife.com/v1/message
- *If you select the Paste JSON configuration method, the Redirect URI field will fill in automatically once you have entered the LTI 1.3 configuration.
- Notes: "Logos Inclusive Access LTI Key for textbook delivery" or any notes about the LTI key, such as the reason it was created.
- Click Save
Step 2: Create a New LTI Platform in Academic Desk
NOTE: Your Sales Engineer will need to activate/enable a new LTI Platform in order to move forward.
Copy the Client ID and send it to your Sales Engineer. The Client ID is found in the Details column in the Developer Keys table in Canvas.
Step 3: Add the App to Canvas
Once your Sales Engineer has enabled the LTI Platform, you can deploy the external app within Canvas. This process will enable instructors to the Logos link to their course.
Click Admin > [Your School's Account Name] > Settings [1] > Apps [2] > View App Configurations [3] > + App [4]
- Configuration Type: By Client ID
- Client ID: [paste in Client ID from step 1 above]
- Click Submit >Install
Step 4: Add the LTI Logos Link to a Course
At this point, the LTI connection has been configured and instructors can add the Logos link to their course. A step-by-step guide on how to do this in Canvas can be found here: https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/16416060410253.