Upload Your Sermon

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You can upload any sermon to Logos sermons directly from Logos Sermons, from Proclaim, or from Logos Bible Software.


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Upload from Logos Sermons

Publish from Proclaim

Add from Logos Sermon Builder


Upload from Logos Sermons

  1. Click Upload Sermon

    Upload Sermon

    Note: You can upload multiple sermons at the same time using batch uploading.

  2. Add any files associated with your sermon, including audio, video, text, pdfs, etc.

    Add files

    Logos Sermons will display your uploaded files. If you upload a text document, it will even add the text below as a sermon transcript as well.

    Sermon Transcript

  3. Add sermon metadata.

    You can include detailed metadata like the speaker, a cover image, the sermon series, Bible passages, topics, tags, and much more. The more information you provide, the easier it will be for visitors to find your sermons.

    Sermon metadata

    Once you’ve added your information, click Save.


Publish from Proclaim

If you use Proclaim, uploading sermons is even easier.

  1. Add recording cues and go On Air.

    Before your church service begins, tell Proclaim when to record by adding a Start recording cue just before the sermon title and a Stop recording cue just after the last sermon slide.

    You can add as many of these recorded sections to your service as you need and Proclaim will stitch them together for you.
    When you’re ready, go On Air.

  2. Edit sermon details.

    After recording your sermon, Proclaim will display a Sermon Recording window. From here you can edit your sermon details and sermon audio. Your slides are automatically captured along with your audio.

  3. Publish your sermon.

    When you’re done adding sermon details, click Publish. Once the sermon posts, Proclaim will indicate the process is complete.
    Your sermon will publish to Logos Sermons along with the recorded slides.

    Note: To learn more about publishing sermons with Proclaim, click here.


Add from Logos Sermon Builder

After you've created your sermon using the Logos Sermon Builder:

  1. Click Export in the top right-hand corner.

    Sermon Export

    Note: If your sermon is set to publish automatically, it will publish on the given date.

    Sending your sermon to Proclaim will import your sermon slides directly into your service. A draft of your sermon is automatically created on Logos Sermons. After you record your sermon in Proclaim and publish it, your slides will publish to Logos Sermons along with the accompanying audio.

    Note: To bypass Proclaim and send the sermon directly to Logos Sermons, click Post to Logos Sermons. Select a Logos Sermons Profile and click Next.  Posting your sermon as a draft will allow you to add any other media before officially publishing the sermon. When you’re ready, click Post. Your transcript and any designed handouts or questions will post to Logos Sermons. 

  2. Find your sermon on Logos Sermons.

    To view the sermon on Logos Sermons after its publication, navigate to sermons.logos.com in your browser and sign in. Click My Sermons to view all your draft and published sermons.

    Upload Sermon

  3. Select the sermon you added from the Sermon Builder. You can add any audio or video files by clicking Add files and dragging and dropping the files.

    Just below, you can toggle between your Notes, Transcripts, Handouts, or Sermon Questions if applicable.

    • Notes: anything from the Sermon Builder except for the prompt style.
    • Transcripts: transcribed text from your sermon audio.
    • Handout: anything marked Handout in Sermon Builder.
    • Question: anything marked Question in Sermon Builder.

    With a transcript uploaded to Logos Sermons, the Sermon Tone Analysis tool automatically evaluates the tone of your sermon and displays the results below.

    Sermon Tone Analysis

    Note: To edit your sermon’s transcript, return to Sermon Builder, make your changes, and repeat the export process above. Logos Sermons will recognize the sermon and update the transcript. Any files or documents uploaded to Logos Sermons will remain untouched.

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