Sermon Tone Analysis

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Transcripts not only provide the text for your sermon but also generate a full sermon tone analysis. Sermon Tone Analysis helps you analyze how your audience will perceive your message by identifying the connotations your wording will communicate. This in-depth knowledge can empower you to make changes so you can clearly transmit your message.

To view a sermon’s tone analysis, find a sermon with a transcript on Logos Sermons. Scroll down to the Sermon Tone Analysis section of the sermon page. An overview chart displays the basic analysis.

Sermon Tone Analysis


Click View more to get a detailed analysis. The upper section indicates the presence of different emotion, language, and social tones. A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.

Overall tone


The lower section lists the tone of specific sentences from the transcript. Select an emotion, language, or social tendency on the left and Logos Sermons will display the degree to which sentences match your selection with conditional formatting.


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