Improve the Volume of Sermon Recordings with Audacity

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Proclaim lets you trim your audio and choose a sound bite, but we recommend Audacity if you need to make additional changes. If you find your recordings are consistently quiet, ensure your audio recording levels are set correctly in Proclaim. Expand Settings and select Audio. Use the slider to change the recording input levels and record a preview if necessary. If you don’t see a slider (like in the following example), it means your audio interface controls the input volume.

Note: this article involves the use of third-party software (Audacity) to edit an audio file outside of Proclaim. It is important that you do not make any trim edits in Audacity when following the steps in this article. 

Here’s how to use Audacity to make edits to your recording:


Step 1: Download Audacity

Download and install Audacity free from


Step 2: Find your audio recording

Find your AudioRecordings folder on Mac or Windows using the following filepaths:

Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Proclaim/Data/[USER FOLDER]/AudioRecordings/  

Tip: If you need help finding this location on a Mac, press command + spacebar to open Spotlight. Type "~/Library/Application Support/Proclaim/Data" in the input box and press the return key. Select a user (which may look like a random string of words and numbers), "Audio Recordings", and locate the sermon.

Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Proclaim\Data\[USER FOLDER]\AudioRecordings\

Note: Each Proclaim user has their own folder in "Data." If more than one person uses Proclaim on your machine, you may need to follow these steps several times to find out which data folder is yours.


Each folder in the AudioRecordings directory is representative of an individual audio recording. Sort the data in this folder by date modified to find your most recent audio recording folder and open it. A single audio file, merged.wav, is located in this folder. 


Step 3: Adjust the volume

Open the "merged.wav" audio file in Audacity (you may need to right-click and choose "Open with"). Remember, do not make trim changes in Audacity. On the left side of the screen is the gain (in dB), which can be adjusted to increase or decrease the volume of the recording. You can also make other volume adjustments from the Effects menu (e.g., Amplify). 

Adjust Gain


Once you have adjusted the volume of the recording to your liking, export the audio file to its original location. Click File > Export > Export as WAV

Export as Wav File


Enter "merged" as the name under which to save the file, then click the File type or Save as type (Windows) dropdown and select WAV (Microsoft) 32-bit float PCM. This ensures that there will not be any issues syncing the recording to other computers in your presentation team.

Save Dialog

Note: It may be easier to export the file to a known location (like your Desktop) and then drag and drop the adjusted "merged.wav" file to the original location to replace it.

With the service open, click "Recordings" in the top navigation bar to find your service recording. The audio level changes will be reflected.

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