Put Your Sermon Together in Three Easy Steps

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Find ideas for next week’s topic, and start with an outline of verses already organized for you.


Step One: Search for a Thematic Outline

Logos Sermons provides a large library of thematic outlines from Logos. These outlines provide key themes and relevant Scripture verses ready for sermon preparation. To find a thematic outline, perform a search with the Topic/Tag "Thematic Outline" and include other tags to refine your results. Sermons will suggest common choices as you type. You can use different combinations in the search fields to limit or expand your results.

Let's say that you plan on preaching on giving this coming week. You might search for generosity, tithing, giving, or other terms.

Thematic Outline Generosity


Click Search all to display the most relevant results including a short summary, popular tags, and a thumbnail of the default media. 

Characteristics of kingdom of God


Selecting an outline opens the detailed view. From here you can read the key points and Scripture verses. You can download the full sermon outline in your preferred translation by clicking the download icon .

Download Files


You can also copy and paste the text for use elsewhere.

Sermon Notes


Step Two: View Related Media to find image backgrounds

Sermons make it easy to find media that is related to your sermon topic. From the selected outline, select see more next to Related Media on the right-hand navigation. 

See more


Click the download icon , then select the media pack format your presentation team needs for your presentation software.

Media pack


Step Three: Select an illustration on generosity

With over 6,000 illustrations to choose from, you are sure to find one that works with your sermon theme. Refine your search from Step One and choose the option for Illustrations before running your new search. Select one of the many illustrations available.



That's it! In three quick and easy steps, you've found an outline, graphics, and illustrations to build out next Sunday's service.

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