Logos Mobile - Passage List

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Passage Lists help you to create lists of passages on a particular topic, word, or other collection of biblical references. Passage lists are available on Logos for Desktop, the web at app.logos.com, and Logos Mobile.

Note: While Logos mobile includes support for Passage Lists, for full functionality (like adding headings within the document, see the Logos Desktop App.

Skip ahead to:

Open a Passage List

Create a Passage List

Edit a Passage List

Delete a Passage List

Sort/View Passages


Open a Passage List

You can open any existing Passage List from the Documents menu (tablet only) or the More Items Menu.


Open a Passage List from the Documents Menu (tablet only).

  1. Tap the Documents icon Documents icon to view all your documents.
  2. Enter Passage in the search field to show your Passage Lists (if you have any other documents that contain the word Passage in their titles, they will show here as well)
    Mobile - Open Passage List From Documents Menu
  3. Tap an entry to open the associated Passage List.


Open a Passage List from the More Items Menu.

  1. Tap the More Items Menu icon Hamburger icon.
  2. Under Documents, tap on Passage Lists to reveal all your Passage Lists.
    Mobile - Open Passage List From Menu
  3. Tap an entry to open the associated Passage List.


Create a Passage List

You can start with a blank Passage List or save a list of passages into a new Passage List.


Create a blank Passage List.

  1. With your Passage Lists showing, tap the plus icon Plus - Add New icon.
    Mobile - Create Blank Passage List
  2. Give your Passage List a name, using the Rename option and add passages to it using the plus icon Plus - Add New icon(there are more details on doing this below). Mobile - Update Blank Passage List

Save a list of passages as a new Passage List.

Many tools and guides let you save lists of passages as a new Passage List. Here are a few examples:


When running a search, you can save the results in as a new Passage List from the panel menu icon Kebab Vertical icon.

Mobile - Create Passage List From Search


A notification confirms the new Passage List creation. Tap the notification to open the Passage List in a new tile.


Factbook Entries and Guides

When viewing a Factbook entry or running a Guide, you can save various section results (e.g., Key Passages) as a new Passage List.

Mobile - Create Passage List From Factbook


A notification confirms the new Passage List creation. Tap the notification to open the Passage List in a new tile.

Note: The Logos Desktop App offers additional options for creating Passage Lists, like from a text selection.

Edit a Passage List

Skip ahead to:

Rename Document

Add Passages

Remove Passages

Change Bible Version


Rename Document

To rename a document, tap the panel menu icon Kebab Vertical icon and choose Rename icon Rename.

Mobile - Rename Passage List


Add Passages

To add a passage to a Passage List, tap the plus icon Plus - Add New icon and add a passage using the dialog.

Mobile - Add Passage To Passage List


Remove Passages

To remove a passage, press and hold on a passage in your Passage List. With a verse (or verses) selected, tap the Delete icon Trashcan icon.

Mobile - Remove Passage From Passage List

Note: To delete multiple passages, select additional passages by tapping additional rows once in select mode.

Change Bible Version

By default, Logos displays Passage Lists using your Top Bible. To display a different Bible:

  1. Tap your currently-displayed Bible.
    Mobile - Select Bible Used In Passage List
  2. Choose another available Bible.

    Mobile - Change Bible Used In Passage List


Delete a Passage List

To delete a Passage List:

  1. Open either the Documents Menu Documents icon (tablet only) or Passage Lists in the More Item Menu (tap Hamburger icon).
    Mobile - Open Passage List From Menu
  2. Once you locate your document, swipe right-to-left and tap Delete.
    Mobile - Delete Passage List


Sort/View Passages

While viewing any Passage List, you can change the sort or view behavior of the list.


Sort Options

Tap the Sort icon Sort icon and choose between sorting by Reference or User defined (which honors the order you added passages to your list).

Mobile - Sort Passage List


View Options

You can choose between two views:

  • Compact: show only Bible references.
  • Tile View: show references and a preview of the text.

To switch between the two views, tap the Compact View icon View - Compact icon or the Tile View icon Tile View icon.

Mobile - Select Passage List View

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